You can only play cart surfer with a black puffle
You take your red puffle for a walk and then play the game. You should earn a stamp
To play games with your puffles, you need to know what your puffle likes. So, if you play Catchin' Waves, while walking the red puffle, the red puffle will surf with you, doing it's own tricks. But, if you do the survival level in Catchin' Waves, the red puffle will get scared and stay on the beach.
Do you know you just all most tell: i am new player how do i play surf or club penguin... just jump and make surkles whit your mouse... be cerful if u land your head.
You have to go to Cathin' waves on club penguin, then go to the surf lesson. You have to follow whatever it says and if you follow everything then you will get that stamp. It is quite hard though.
You can only play cart surfer with a black puffle
No, you can only surf with your Red Puffle.
You take your red puffle for a walk and then play the game. You should earn a stamp
The Cove. The cove is right by the forest. When you got to the forest then you go straight down the stairs, then your right at the cove.Then go to the small shed and play the game to surf. when your at the cove you can bring your puffle with you to surf and once you go into the water your puffle will be right by you
here are some cards of mine on club penguin 2. puffle round-up card: this card is so funny you start to play puffle round-up and when the pink puffle goes down the mountain you will drop to the bottom. F funny N not funny red puffle: F. here the user throws his own red pet out and lets him surf with you then you start to surf with him but he goes too fast and knocks you off with his board.
At the surf club.
To play games with your puffles, you need to know what your puffle likes. So, if you play Catchin' Waves, while walking the red puffle, the red puffle will surf with you, doing it's own tricks. But, if you do the survival level in Catchin' Waves, the red puffle will get scared and stay on the beach.
do you mean surf?
bring red puffle surfing with you and he will surf too.
Which wave? You can surf at the Cove.
1. Buy a red puffle at the pet shop (you don't have to be a member). 2.Go back to your igloo, and click on the red puffle. Go to the icon with the leash on it (far left). Ten you will be able to walk your puffle. 3. While you are walking your puffle, bring it to the Cove. 4. Go to the game "Catchin' Waves" 5. Then click on surf lesson. When the surf lesson begins, there's your stamp!!!!
If you play Cart Surfer while walking a black puffle, it will play with you and earn extra coins for you. Remember, only members can adopt a black puffle (unless you enter a Treasure Book code), so if you're a non-member, you cannot play Cart Surfer with your puffle :(