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When you first see mew, you'll have to throw either apples or pester balls at it in order to break its force field. After you've thrown enough, mew will appear outside of its force field, that's when you take the photo before it gets away. Some advice when mew is outside its field is to hit it with an apple or pester ball, this will prevent it from running away for a few seconds and you will be able to float closer to it and get a better picture.

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Q: How do you take a picture of mew on Pokemon Snap?
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Can you really get the picture mew in Pokemon Snap on the Nintendo 64?

Yes you can. In the levels, there is a Pokemon mark or sign that you must take a picture of. When you get them all, it opens up a secret level, and that's where mew is, and is the only Pokemon there.

Are there another Pokemon in rainbow cloud then mew in Pokemon Snap?

No there is only mew

How do you complete the game Pokemon Snap for the N64?

First, you have to complete all the tasks Prof. Oak requests. When you're all done with that, he will show you a new area called Rainbow Cloud. There is a Mew there and you have to take a picture of it. But, it is protected by a light ball and when you try to take a picture of it the photo will be all blurry and it won't look right. So what you do is you throw a Pester Ball at it. (An apple won't work.) Keep on doing it until the ball separates the Mew. Then, you can take a picture of the Mew and return. After that, you would've beaten the game!

How do you finish Pokemon snap?

you have to take pictures all the Pokemon in the game (kakuna, voltorb, ditto, moltres, zapdos, articunno etc) , take pictures of all the Pokemon signs and take a pic of mew on the last stage

What are the Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

mew and mew two

If you have a ditto and a mew two Pokemon in the day care how how mene steps dus it take take to gete a egg in Pokemon paer?

Since Mew is a legendary pokemon, it does not have a gender, so you cannot hatch an egg. If you want a Mew, you have to use an action replay code or trade it from another game.

What are the rarest Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

mew and mew two

Who is mew two?

Mew two is a Pokemon from the series "Pokemon."

What was a Mew?

Mew is a legendary pokemon,phsycic type pokemon,that evolves into Mewto. ^Mew doesnt evolve

Pokemon perl how to get mew?

Mew can be migrated from Pokemon Emerald if that game was participated in the Japanese Mew event to get the Old Sea Map or have 999 Pokemon in Pokemon Ranch and Hailey will give you Mew.

Is mew Pokemon ugly?

It is a matter of opinion. To most, mew is adorable pokemon.

What is Pokemon 151?
