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first of all, get a Pokemon that knows surf. then go to the lake, click on the water, and it will say "The water is a deep blue color... would you like to surf on it?" click "yes". Then it will say " ________ used Surf!" Then you'll be Surfing on the water.

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Q: How do you surf into lake acuity?
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Where can you get uxie?

Go to Lake Acuity with a Pokemon with Surf. Surf to the Middle of the Lake and go into the Cave. Uxie is in there (Lake Acuity is up North by Snowpoint City)

How do you get to the cave underneath lake acuity?

Well it's not really under lake acuity. You use the move surf and surf across the lake and you will find the cave...........

How do you enter the cave under lake acuity in Pokemon diamond pearl or platinum?

You surf there

How do you surf to Acuity Lakefront on Diamond Version?

You get the surf HM and beat the gym leader. Then teach it to a water type(or arceus) and go to acuity lake then walk to the edge of the water and press A. It will ask you if you want to use surf. Say yes.

What do you have to do at Lake Acuity?

Lake Acuity is the home lake of Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie. After you do the spear pillar event, use the move surf to swim to the middle of the lake where there is a cave. Enter and you will see all three of them. Try talking to them but they will run away, now you just have to get lucky finding them.

How do you get the lake Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

after defeating or catching palkia, go to lake verity, lake acuity, and lake valor. use surf and go in the small island in the center of the lake. good luck!

How do you get uxie on your pokedex before the national in pokemon diamond?

as soon as you can use surf out side of battle you go to lake acuity, surf to the middle of the lake go inside the cave then you can battle it (it is at lv 50) Hope this helped :D

What if uxie on platuim goes into the cravens?

use surf and go to the middle of lake acuity and inside the cavern uxie should be there. HOPE THIS HELPED!!!

Where is the cave at lake acuity?

The middle of the lake :)

In Pokemon diamond where is Lake Acuity?

Lake Acuity is to the east of Snowpoint City, and you pass Acuity Lakefront on your way to Snowpoint City from route 217.

Where do your see uxie in Pokemon platinum?

you have to go to lake acuity near snowpoint city after defeating team galactic for good and having battled giratina. surf across the lake, enter the cave and as you speak to it you will battle it.

What is the first lake in Pokemon platinum?

lake acuity