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just take a boat.

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Q: How do you surf from canalave city in Pokemon diamond?
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When you get the hm surf on Pokemon diamond what do you do?

go to canalave city and challenge the gym leader

How do you get the 6th badge in Pokemon diamond?

You go to Canalave City which is west of Jubilife City. You will need surf to get there.

Where is sixth gimnasium in Pokemon diamond?

in canalave city, east of jubilife city. u need surf to get to it :D

How do you get to canalave city in Pokemon platinium?

You have to get surf then surf from jublife city

How do you get to the sixth gym badge in Pokemon diamond?

The Canalave City Gym is the 6th gym. To get there, you must Surf west from Jubilife City. Get HM03 Surf in Celestic Town.

Where do you go for fifth badge on diamond?

to the canalave city by surf

Where do you go after obtaining the HM Surf in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

surf left of jubilife to canalave

In the Pokemon game diamond how to you get to canalve city?

go to jubilife city and exit west. surf across the pond. canalave is just to the west

Do you need surf to go to canalave city in Pokemon platinum?

Yes, because you need to surf from Jubliffe to Canalave.

How do you get to canalave city in Pokemon diamond on D'S?

you need surf go to jubalif city go west until a house that you see normally when swithching areas go fruu and then surf the waters then your outside canalave go fruu the house and your in canalav city

What do you do after you get your 5th badge in Pokemon Diamond?

Go to Jubilife City (make sure u have a Pokemon with surf on your team) and go west. You'll come to an area where u can surf. Surf and you'll come to the next town (Canalave City) with a gym in it.

Where is canalave city in Pokemon pearl?

west from jubilife city but you need surf.