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You'll need Polymerization, or another card that fuses monsters. You need to fuse any combination of the following: "Elemental HERO Neos" or "Elemental HERO Neos Alius", any other HERO monster (ie. Elemental HERO Sparkman, Destiny HERO Diamond Dude, Dark HERO Inferno Wing, Masked HERO Dian), a Neo-Spacian monster, and a Neo Space monster (ie. Neo Space Pathfinder). The conditions are that you must include a "Neos" monster, a HERO monster, and a Neo-Spacian or Neo Space monster.

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Q: How do you summon elemental hero divine neos?
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What is the best elemental hero card?

In my opinion Shining flare wingman.all you have to do is fuse the cards for It and you already have 600 extra attack, and you have flame wingmans effect.the top 5 elemental heroes areelemental hero rainbow neos for pure powerelemental hero terra firm because of his ability to steal other e.heroes powerelemental hero divine neos because he can take effects from other creatureselemental hero mud ball man cause of his amazing defenceelemental hero neos because of his amazing array of fusionsin order its1.elemental hero rainbow neos2.elemental hero mud ball man3.elemental hero terra firm4.elemental hero neos5.elemental hero divine neos

How do you summon rainbow neos?

You use any appropriate Fusion Summon card (ie Polymerization) while you have Elemental HERO Neos and any 'Ultimate Crystal' monster such as Rainbow Dragon, either in hand or on the field.

How does 'Elemental Hero Neos Alius' work?

[Warrior/Gemini]This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:● This face-up card's name is treated as "Elemental Hero Neos".Basically when you first play it, it is a normal monster with no effect. During a turn when you have not yet normal summoned or set a monster, you can 'summon him again', which counts as your Normal Summon for the turn (meaning you can use cards like Double Summon or Ultimate Offering to both Normal Summon it from hand, then 'second summon' it in one turn).This second summon does not make it leave the field, so all conditions, counters and equips stay on it. However it is still a summon, so can be responded to by cards like Torrential Tribute, etc. After you perform the second summon, the Gemini monster is now an effect monster with the listed effect, in this case, his name is now "Elemental Hero Neos".The point of his effect is that there are certain cards that require an Elemental Hero Neos as a component, or activation requirement. Fusion material for Rainbow Neos, is one example. Using Neos Alius, you can have a greater chance of getting a card in play called 'Elemental Hero Neo' for whatever purpose.

What do you type to find elemental hero air neos pic?

Either the question is asking (1) what type is "E-Hero Air Neos" or (2) where to go and what to type to find pictures of "E-Hero Air Neos". "E-Hero Air Neos" is a Warrior/Effect/Fusion-Type Monster card. You can go to, click "Image Search", and type in "Elemental Hero Air Neos" to find pictures of it.

How do you use elemental hero neos properly?

you run three elemental hero neos alius and cards that special summon normal monsters from the graveyard like skyscraper2 hero city and hero blast to grab neos alius or neos from the grave and use alius special effect to be treated as neos. then use three common souls in your deck. also add copy's of neo spacians like glow moss, air hummies. grand moles are limited. so run that with "ribbon of rebirth". to bring moles back to the hand along with opponents monsters. use three compulsory evacuation device and torrential tribute. Then you need to use those common souls to grab those neo spacians from your hand onto the field and there you go. CONTACT FUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!elemental hero grand neos

Related questions

What monsters can you fusion summon with e hero Neos?

Depends on the type of Elemental hero's neos. Example: Elemental hero aqua neos or Elemental hero divine neos,..etc.

Its name is derived from the greek word neos meaning new and didymos meaning twin?

Elemental Hero Neos, Elemental Hero Neos Alius, Neo Space, Elemental Hero Dark Neos, Elemental Hero Divine Neos, Elemental Hero Flare Neos, Elemental Hero Glow Neos, Elemental Hero Grand Neos, Elemental Hero Storm Neos, Elemental Hero Air Neos, Elemental Hero Aqua Neos, Elemental Hero Chaos Neos, Rainbow Neos, Neo Space Pathfinder, and Instant Neo Space.

Does an 'Elemental Hero God Neos' card exist?

Yes. It is called Elemental Hero Divine Neos in the TCG, and is available as a secret rare in Crossroads of Chaos.

What are the warrior fusion monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh?

Here is a list of all of the Warrior-type Fusion Monsters: Flame Swordsman Elemental HERO Shining Phoenix Enforcer Elemental HERO Steam Healer Elemental HERO Storm Neos Elemental HERO Tempest Elemental HERO Terra Firma Elemental HERO The Shining Elemental HERO Thunder Giant Elemental HERO Wild Wingman Elemental HERO Wildedge Empress Judge Elemental HERO Escuridao Elemental HERO Flame Wingman Elemental HERO Flare Neos Elemental HERO Gaia Elemental HERO Electrum Elemental HERO Grand Neos Elemental HERO Glow Neos Elemental HERO Great Tornado Elemental HERO Magma Neos Elemental HERO Shining Flare Wingman Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster Elemental HERO Plasma Vice Elemental HERO Phoenix Enforcer Elemental HERO Nova Master Elemental HERO Neos Knight Elemental HERO Necroid Shaman Elemental HERO Mudballman Elemental HERO Mariner Elemental HERO Marine Neos Cyber Blader Arcana Knight Joker Dark Flare Knight Dark Blade the Dragon Knight Destiny End Dragoon Dragoness the Wicked Knight Elemental HERO Absolute Zero Elemental HERO Air Neos Elemental HERO Aqua Neos Elemental HERO Chaos Neos Elemental HERO Divine Neos Elemental HERO Darkbright Elemental HERO Dark Neos Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin Masked HERO Vapor Masked HERO Goka Karbonala Warrior Masked HERO Acid Masked HERO Dian Giltia the D. Knight Ryu Senshi Rainbow Neos The Last Warrior from Another Planet Warrior of Tradition

How do you get Elemental Hero Divine Neos?

The question is a bit broad. here are two possible answers to your question:1. How do you obtain "Elemental Hero Divine Neos"?"Elemental Hero Divine Neos" was released in the TCG booster pack Crossroads of Chaos.2. How do you get "Elemental Hero Divine Neos" onto the field?You must Fusion Summon this card using five monsters. These five monsters must have "Neos", "Neo-Spacian", "Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero" or "Evil Hero" in their card name. Out of the five monsters, you must include one "Neos" monster, one "Neo-Spacian" monster and one ("Elemental", "Destiny" or "Evil") "Hero" monster.I am pretty sure he meant how to get it in a pack. What I am confused about is that the ratio for a Secret Rare is 1 in 31 Packs (double-u-tee-eff that) and there are ONLY 24 packs in a box. So, I want to ask, why is Konami such an idiot?

How many elemental hero cards are there?

Erm no, there are only fifty of them, I've counted the merged also. In all there are sixty five. doto the fact most of the heroes can merege. if you count the neospacians there are seventy. the main five are avian, sparkman, clayman, burstinatrix, and bubble man. There are exactly 50 Elemental Heroes. You can find a list of all Elemental Heroes in the related link below. Note: Not all of the Elemental Heroes are released (yet) in the OCG.

What is the best elemental hero card?

In my opinion Shining flare wingman.all you have to do is fuse the cards for It and you already have 600 extra attack, and you have flame wingmans effect.the top 5 elemental heroes areelemental hero rainbow neos for pure powerelemental hero terra firm because of his ability to steal other e.heroes powerelemental hero divine neos because he can take effects from other creatureselemental hero mud ball man cause of his amazing defenceelemental hero neos because of his amazing array of fusionsin order its1.elemental hero rainbow neos2.elemental hero mud ball man3.elemental hero terra firm4.elemental hero neos5.elemental hero divine neos

What is the effect of elemental hero neos?

Elemental Hero Neos doesn't have an effect. its a normal monster.

When you fusion summon Elemental Hero Dark Neos. Do you return the Fusion Material Monsters back onto your field when Elemental Hero Dark Neos returns back to your Fusion Deck?

No, nowhere on the card does it even imply that happens.

Can you get elemental hero magma neos?

Elemental Hero Magma Neos is a secret rare in Tactical Evolution.

What are all the cards in jaden yukis deck including all elemental heros and neo spaciance and all the spells traps and effect cards?

ELEMENTAL HEROS I NEED: Elemental Hero Poison Rose Elemental Hero Heat Elemental Hero Lady Heat Elemental Hero Voltic Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman Elemental Hero Stratos Elemental Hero Darkbright Elemental Hero Divine Neos Elemental Hero Mariner Elemental Hero Prisma Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster Elemental Hero Phoenix Enforcer Elemental Hero Wildedge Rare Elemental Hero Wild Wingman Elemental Hero Dark Neos Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman Elemental Hero Grand Neos Elemental Hero Plasma Vice Elemental Hero Storm Neos Elemental Hero Steam Healer Elemental Hero Ocean Elemental Hero Magma Neos Elemental Hero Gaia Elemental Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer ElEmental HERO GLOW NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO GRAND NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO AIR NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO MARINE NEOS ELEMENTAL HERO MUDBALLMAN Elemental Hero Electrum Elemental Hero Chaos Neos ElEmental HeRO absolute zero ELEMENTAL HERO TERRA FIRMA ElEmental HeRO TEMPEST elemental hero great tornado Elemental Hero Ice Edge Elemental Hero Flash Elemental Hero The Shining ElEmental HERO NOVA MASTER ======================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================== DONT KNOW IF THESE ELEMENTAL HEROS EXIST : Elemental Hero Edge wingman Elemental hero Flamedge Wingman Elemental Hero Silver Grandedge Elemental Hero Tempestade Elemental hero Coração Selvagem. Elemental hero Stardust Neos Space Elemental Hero Neos Knight elemental hero black shadow dragon Elemental Hero Ikaris Elemental Hero Crusader ElEmental hero shado nija Elemental Hero Captain Airman ========================================================================================================================================================================================================================== NEO SPICANS ANDS OF OF THE NEO SPACIAN TRAPS AND SPELLS: Space Gift Reverse Contact Polymerization H Heated Heart E Emergency Call R Rightous Justice O Oversoul Hero Flash Pot of Greed Spark Blaster Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab Neo-Spacian Grand Mole Neo-Spacian Glow Moss Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin Neo-Spacian Dark Panther Neo-Spacian Air Humming bird

How do you summon rainbow neos?

You use any appropriate Fusion Summon card (ie Polymerization) while you have Elemental HERO Neos and any 'Ultimate Crystal' monster such as Rainbow Dragon, either in hand or on the field.