Ancient gear golem is easiest summoned using geartown which allows you to summon ancient gear monsters with one less tribute, ergo, you only need one monster to tribute to summon ancient gear golem. Ancient gear golem cannot be special summoned which make things difficult. Cards such as spell gear and ultimate ancient gear golem can special summon ancient gear golem from the deck and hand, or graveyard, respectively, but they require much more cost.
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Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem requires "Ancient Gear Golem" and 2 "Ancient Gear" monsters. Toon Ancient Gear Golem is an 'Ancient Gear' monster so it can take the part of one of the two 'Ancient Gear' monsters needed for the fusion. Note however there is an important distinction between saying (for example) "Ancient Gear" and "Ancient Gear monster". The first means, and only means, the Lv2 effect monster called "Ancient Gear" while the other means any monster with "Ancient Gear" in the name. That means that when Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem asks for "Ancient Gear Golem" and not "Ancient Gear Golem monster", it means, and only means, the original non-toon card just called "Ancient Gear Golem". "Toon Ancient Gear Golem" does not count for that part. You can see this same issue with Dark Magician's support cards, which support Dark Magician only and not anything else such as Skilled Dark Magician.
cards that specifically state that they cannot be special summoned from the graveyard, like ancient gear golem, or the very limited card: Tyler the great warrior (only one in the world) also an elemental hero fusion
Lava Golem's own special summon effect can only special summon itself to the opponent's side of the field. Like other 'can only be special summoned by..' monsters, if you summon it correctly, and it is then destroyed, it can be brought back to the field by cards like Monster Reborn. In Lava Golem's case, it will be special summoned to your side of the field if you do this.
Unless stated otherwise (Plaguespreader Zombie for example) a monster's special summon is done from hand only. Lava Golem must be in your hand, for you to be able to special summon it using the listed text on the card.
In either of your own main phases, you can special summon lava golem. Rather than offering the cost from your own side of the field, Lava Golem says to use the opponent's monsters. So you send the opponent's two monsters to the graveyard and place Lava Golem on their side of the field. Either player can try to negate it, in which case it will be destroyed and go to your graveyard.
Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem requires "Ancient Gear Golem" and 2 "Ancient Gear" monsters. Toon Ancient Gear Golem is an 'Ancient Gear' monster so it can take the part of one of the two 'Ancient Gear' monsters needed for the fusion. Note however there is an important distinction between saying (for example) "Ancient Gear" and "Ancient Gear monster". The first means, and only means, the Lv2 effect monster called "Ancient Gear" while the other means any monster with "Ancient Gear" in the name. That means that when Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem asks for "Ancient Gear Golem" and not "Ancient Gear Golem monster", it means, and only means, the original non-toon card just called "Ancient Gear Golem". "Toon Ancient Gear Golem" does not count for that part. You can see this same issue with Dark Magician's support cards, which support Dark Magician only and not anything else such as Skilled Dark Magician.
Future Fusion is probably the easiest way to Fusion Summon Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem. Otherwise, Substitute Fusion Material monsters can be used in place of Ancient Gear Golem; but not in place of the "2 'Ancient Gear' monsters". Elemental Hero Prisma can also take on the name of Ancient Gear Golem with its effect. Machine Duplication can be used on Ancient Gear and/or Ancient Gear Cannon in order to amass enough fusion material monsters.Chain Material is also a very easy way to Fusion Summon it. Just to clarify, the card itself cannot fuse any monsters. After activating it, you must use a card like Polymerization, Power Bond, or Fusion Gate and remove from play the fusion materials. In fact, if you use Fusion Gate with this card you can use its effect multiple times to potentially Fusion Summon three Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem cards in one turn! Unfortunately, you cannot attack the turn you activate Chain Material and the Fusion monster is destroyed at the end of the turn.
You do not remove the counter for the summon, you tribute Ancient Gear Castle itself. So imagine you have Ancient Gear Castle with one counter. You can tribute it for a Lv5/6 Ancient Gear monster - but since Ancient Gear Castle is now gone, it cannot gain another counter.
[edit] Monsters * Ancient Gear x3 * Ancient Gear Golem x2 * Ancient Gear Beast x2 * Ancient Gear Knight x2 * Ancient Gear Soldier x3 * Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon x2 * Ancient Gear Engineer * Cyber Dragon x1 * Proto-Cyber Dragon x1 * Giant Rat * Monster Reborn * Geartown x3 * Ancient Gear Castle * Ancient Gear Workshop * Power Bond x3 * Future Fusion * Heavy Storm * Book of Moon * Ancient Gear Explosive x2 * Ancient Gear Fist x2 * A Feather of the Phoenix * Ancient Gear Drill * My Body as a Shield * Shrink * Mirror Force * Karma Cut * Sakuretsu ArmorX2 * Waboku * Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem x2 * Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x2 * Chimeratech Overdragon x2
cards that specifically state that they cannot be special summoned from the graveyard, like ancient gear golem, or the very limited card: Tyler the great warrior (only one in the world) also an elemental hero fusion
this one deck<basic outline> from yugioh wikia it is a good starting point. * Ancient Gear * Ancient Gear Golem * Ancient Gear Beast * Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon * Ancient Gear Knight * Ancient Gear Soldier * Ancient Gear Engineer * Gorz the Emissary of Darkness * Cyber Dragon * Jinzo * Cyber Phoenix * Proto-Cyber Dragon Spells * Monster Reborn * Geartown * Ancient Gear Castle * Ancient Gear Workshop * Overload Fusion * Power Bond * Limiter Removal * Future Fusion * Mystical Space Typhoon * Heavy Storm * Enemy Controller * Book of Moon * Gaia Power * Ancient Gear Tank Traps * Return from the Different Dimension * Final Attack Orders * Magical Hats * Statue of the Wicked * Ultimate Offering Extra Deck * Chimeratech Overdragon * Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem * Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Lava Golem's own special summon effect can only special summon itself to the opponent's side of the field. Like other 'can only be special summoned by..' monsters, if you summon it correctly, and it is then destroyed, it can be brought back to the field by cards like Monster Reborn. In Lava Golem's case, it will be special summoned to your side of the field if you do this.
A popular strategy for the Ancient Gear series is by combining the effects of Ancient Fairy Dragon with Geartown to be able to Special Summon any Ancient Gear monster that you have.For more detailed information on strategies for an Ancient Gear Deck, click on the "Related Link" below.
Unless stated otherwise (Plaguespreader Zombie for example) a monster's special summon is done from hand only. Lava Golem must be in your hand, for you to be able to special summon it using the listed text on the card.
In either of your own main phases, you can special summon lava golem. Rather than offering the cost from your own side of the field, Lava Golem says to use the opponent's monsters. So you send the opponent's two monsters to the graveyard and place Lava Golem on their side of the field. Either player can try to negate it, in which case it will be destroyed and go to your graveyard.
I suggest categorizing your deck more. Dont make MACHINE make ANCIENT GEAR for instance. These decks are one of the best decks i know of. Your main character/goal would be putting Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon on the field. Then add cards like the typical traps, sakeratsu armor, MST, Trap Jammer, Destruction Jammer, Waboku, Draining Shield etc. a monster reborn, Ancient Gear Castles, Ancient Gear Fists, more common magic cards and these monsters. Ancient Gear Beasts Ancient Gear Cannons Ancient Gear Engineers Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera Red Gadget, Green Gadget, Yellow Gadget Ancient Gear Golem etc, etc check this yugioh card search for more:
Lava Golem's Special Summon does not start a chain, so you cannot chain Epidemic Virus when it is tributing the monsters. You must use it before it would be Summoned or the intended target for Virus probably would not be there for it use.