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Q: How do you stop my soul silver on nogba from freezing?
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I have the Pokemon soul silver rom and a nogba emulator the rom has the English patch but it freezes after i beat the goldenrod city gym leader are there any newer patches or roms to stop freezing?

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How do you stop freezing in soul silver?

It should not be freezing at all. If it continues to do so, the cartridge is probably damaged.

How do you stop I soul silver game from freezing when you use the cheat code to make all the wild Pokemon shiny?

stop using that cheat

On NOGBA is there a way for it to stop freezing on a evolving Pokemon?

You must get a patch for the ROM you are playing with. It doesn't have anything to do with NO$GBA.

How do you stop soul silver freezing?

it has to be a problem with your ds or your game. try replacing your game and if that doesn't work try getting your ds looked at gamestop

How do you get maylene to stop eating in soul silver?

you cannot.

When does the mew event in soul silver stop?

October 30th.

How can you get to the Hoenn region in soul silver?

you cant.(full stop!)...

Where can you find HeartGold and soul silver at?

Game Stop, Walmart & the B.X.

Why does D's Rom Pokemon soul silver keep freezing?

The game is freezing even for me the only way to stop it is to wait a couple of weeks for the game to actually complete totally then it should not freeze or you can patch it.

Is Pokemon soul silver Ds 40.00 in Canada?

yes i talked to the guy at game stop.

Why does a girl stop you going to the elite in soul silver?

because you need all the gym badges