hold shift until you hit the ground or double tap space
Well as a server owner I know the only way is to run the server in offline mode. When it is in online mode(default) the server checks to make sure every account is premium. You can play on a server if online mode is set to false. This is a check mojang has put on to stop pirating on minecraft. So if you can't join the server is running with online mode on.
/toggledownfall to stop or make rain in minecraft
Press the ESC key.
It might be a problem with your mouse. Either that or there is a hardware compatibility issue with minecraft.
To stop flying in creative mode double tap space
To stop flying just double tap Spacebar while you are in the air.
hold shift until you hit the ground or double tap space
Double tap the jump
To record Minecraft with FRAPS, simply press your record hotkey (usually F9) whilst in Minecraft. It will then record until you press your record hotkey again when it will stop.
You can't unless you use a permission plugin on your server. Or you are OP and when they turn yo creative you use /gm [player name] 0
as long as there not opped, they wont be able to turn back. do this by doing the command "/deop <player's name>.
Well as a server owner I know the only way is to run the server in offline mode. When it is in online mode(default) the server checks to make sure every account is premium. You can play on a server if online mode is set to false. This is a check mojang has put on to stop pirating on minecraft. So if you can't join the server is running with online mode on.
No. If you want to USE touchscreen, you must turn it on in the options. When you wish to stop, just turn it off.
/toggledownfall to stop or make rain in minecraft
Well, if your like me the instant you stop to look in your inventory every creeper in a 100 mile radius decides to materialize behind you and blow you up!!! Other than that there really is no good or bad way to play Minecraft. If you can't get the hang of the mobs (monsters) on how they attack or what you can do then you can always change your mode from survival to creative and the Mobs will disappear and you will have 99% of every item Minecraft makes in your inventory. It can be a lot funner if you can have a friend or two to play with as you can watch each others back or give each other ideas on what you want to do.
You either hold shift until you touch the ground or double tap space. Pressing and holding shift will lower the player until you touch ground. Once ground is touched, "flymode" is off. Also, double clicking space with cancel flying.