On the main menu, before you start the game, there should be an option that says "New Game" or something. Click it and play. Then, when you're done, just save that game and it will override your first one.
it depends on the version but on black or white muuna is one
You start your game and get 1 starter then trade it. Then start the game again and pick a different starter. Do the same until you get all of the starters from Pokemon black and white.
I am about to start playing Pokemon Black 2 and I was thinking of my team, I decided t ogo with Samurott,Lucario and Electivire but can you guys help me pick the other 3 pokemons to have my team balanced ( no legendaries)
To delete a saved game to start a new game on the title screen hold up+select+B and it will ask if you want to delete the save file.
to restart you press start a new game
Pokemon Black and White will start(or be released) On March 6,2011
Yes they did make Pokemon Black and Pokemon White it was the start of the 5th Generation of Pokemon and it included new Pokemon.
u can start when you have 2 Pokemon and you learn how to catch them
Once you get the cgear.
Your mother gives it to you at the start of the game.
Use Game Sync on the C-Gear.
None, that would be too easy then ^_^
on february 31,2050
its easy + simple. If your game has Black City it means you have Pokemon Black. If it has White Forest it means you have Pokemon White. You can also find out by looking at the start of your game.
you cant its a starter pokemon if you didnt start with it then you have to get it from a different game (has to be black or white) or go to the global trade
up select b
it depends on the version but on black or white muuna is one