On many old-style calculators, some numbers look like letters when you turn them upside-down, and some (1, 0, 5, 8) look like letters either way (I, O, S, and B).
However, to imitate the word "BLOOD" in this manner, you would need a P to start the string P0018, which inverted looks like "8I00d."
The famous use of this type of false text is the number 710.77345 which when flipped over would look like "ShELL.OIL"
The spell Ice Blitz requires three Water Runes, two Blood Runes, and two Death Runes.
use googe and type clockworks calculator
zooligist ... or however you spell it zooligist ... or however you spell it zooligist ... or however you spell it zooligist ... or however you spell it zooligist ... or however you spell it zooligist ... or however you spell it
its just a calculator
go to robloxhq.com and go to level calculator, put your roblox information found in your profile and it will tell u
A blood alcohol calculator measures the amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. It measures on mass per volume. No blood alcohol calculator is a 100% accurate.
der Taschenrechner
The word is spelled calculator.
53045, and then turn the calculator upside-down
That is the correct spelling of "calculator" (math computer).
on a fxMs-82s Casio calculator C A 1 C U 1 A 7 0 (square root sign)
A blood type calculator is used too figure out you or your child's blood type. Simply by the father and the mothers blood types and also their rh type.
"You almost had the spelling right. The only problem was the ""e"" in ""calculator"" It should be an ""o"". So the full spelling would be mortgage calculator."