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To speed the game up or slow it down, press the number 1 key on your keyboard for normal speed, number 2 is faster, number 3 is the fastest

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Q: How do you speed up the game Settlers IV?
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How do you fast forward on the sims 2 psp?

Unfortunately, you cannot speed up the game in any way.

How do you beat Yu-Gi-Oh world championship 2010?

this game is a little tricky best soulition is gettin action replay(you may have to submit the game and its cheats like mine) butsince it was awhile since i beat it i will give th ending go due dulits you know you can beat keep beating them until you can get any frame,HI-boostr IV,DWE-CG(engine),KPC-DG(cpu),full shield,side aromor IV, balancer IV. then equi it all then go up aginsnt goodwin(make sure you have your deck ready cause yocant go out)then just keep using you booster with epic speed you will catch up to him in like 3-7 seconeds!!!!!!

How do you speed up time on Pokemon Emerald?

Give your master ball to Bob, trade a Minun to Pokemon Leaf Green (not Fire Red), rest at home three times, and time will automatically speed up. lol That guy (girl?) is funny. There is no way as far as I know to speed up time, legitly anyway. Search for some cheats if you really want to but otherwise. Oh, you could download the VBA and a ROM of the game, then while your playing hold the space bar. That should speed up the game quite a lot.

How do you use speed break on sonic and the secret rings?

You press up on the Wii control pad (remember, the wii remote is held sideways in the game)

How do you skip the credits on Pokemon emerald?

You can't skip the credits but you can speed them up by holding the B button however after your hall of fame is showed your game will save you can turn the game off and completely skip the credits that way.

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How can you speed up your gta iv PC game?

go and ask your dad about it

How do you move an object on the ground say an axe in the game Settlers IV?

Several ways, convert one of your settlers to of thief then send him to pick it up and move it, build a storage area and set it up to store axe's, a settler will then collect the axe and move it to the storage area, build a woodcutters cabin, a settler will pick up the axe and occupy the cabin.

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manganese(IV) oxide, , nickel, Pt, Pd

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There is no way to speed up time but you can change the date and time settings on your I pod or computer and the game will change

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Caesar IV is a Historic city building game set in ancient Rome. You can get more information about this game online at the Wikipedia. Once on the page, type "Caesar IV" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.

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by inserting the disk in you xbox or ps3 and booting it up.

Is grand theft anto iv is for ps2?

No it is not made in a PS2 version of the game The PS2 does not have the capability of the PS3 and would require a game that was not up to the PS3 version of the game

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Need for Speed

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When the first settlements were set up in what is now New Jersey, settlers survived largely by farming and partaking in a profitable trade of furs & game with the local Native American tribes.

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You can hold down the spacebar to speed the whole game up

How would you go from playing GTAlost and damned to the regular GTA4?

All you need to do is pause the game while playing The Lost and Damned and go to game/load and load up your Gta IV save game.

Why is your need for speed carbon freeze on start up?

Well it might take time to have the game warm up.