Somehting to do with the writing on the purple blocks. But I'm working on it!
in the ruins of alpha after you solve the puzzles
A region made for Pokemon colosseum and Pokemon xd gale of darkness only. Its a region that hosts a villainous group called Cipher which plans to ultimately turn Pokemon into fighting machines know as Shadow Pokemon. Your job is to explore the orre region and solve the mystery of the Shadow Pokemon and defeat Cipher, to solve the mystery you need to purify each Pokemon by showing them compassion and trust.
The Tanoby Ruins at the southern part of Seven Island will become infested by the Pokemon Unown.
In Pokemon diamond/pearl go to Solocoan town and go to the ruins and in heart gold and soul silver you need to solve one of the tiles
solve the is an aerodactyle...........u will fall down when u solve it.........and then u can catch unknowns
in the ruins of alpha after you solve the puzzles
The tanoby chambers are ruins where a certain Pokemon is lurking to find that Pokemon you must first solve the boulder puzzle in tanoby key once you do that you can find that Pokemon in the chambers.
you have to solve the puzzles and capture or catch all types of unown
go to the ruins of alph and solve one of the puzzles an in one of them will have the scientists in them when you go in the basement of the ruins the scientist will give you the UNKNOWN REPORT.
You can go through the Ruins of Alph without having to do anything; however, if you want to catch the Unown, you have to solve the 4 puzzles (of ancient fossil Pokemon).
do you mean the tanoby key? use trial and error. i can't really explain it.
A region made for Pokemon colosseum and Pokemon xd gale of darkness only. Its a region that hosts a villainous group called Cipher which plans to ultimately turn Pokemon into fighting machines know as Shadow Pokemon. Your job is to explore the orre region and solve the mystery of the Shadow Pokemon and defeat Cipher, to solve the mystery you need to purify each Pokemon by showing them compassion and trust.
anyone can solve a mystery only a detective can!
in the cave with the statues on the 5 or 6 islandYou go to the Tanoby Ruins. You must solve the puzzle in the Tanoby Chamber.
No you only catch it in diamond,pearl,and platinum and in soulsilver and heartgold you get an arceus and solve the ruins of Alph.
The Tanoby Ruins at the southern part of Seven Island will become infested by the Pokemon Unown.
solve missions and you will get further and unlock new dungeons i know i completed it