The tanoby chambers are ruins where a certain Pokemon is lurking to find that Pokemon you must first solve the boulder puzzle in tanoby key once you do that you can find that Pokemon in the chambers.
unown is it dums
You can get Mantine in the Tanoby Ruins and the Trainer Tower by surfing.
It opens all of the tanoby ruins, and now you can go to the tanoby ruins, and catch unowns, a VERY rare pokemon. But they are common. Try to get one of every letter.
By Symbol I assume you mean 'Unown' the symbol Pokemon. To get them in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, you have to trade them from FireRed/LeafGreen, Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, or HeartGold/Soul Silver. In FR/LG they are on Seven Island in the Tanoby Ruins. In D/P/Pt, they are in the Solaceon Ruins near Solaceon town. In HG/SS they are in th Ruins of Alph off Route 32.
I got lugia by using a Game Shark. I also got a lugia by trading him from the DX gail of Darkness gamecube game.
there are none
Tanoby Ruins is the main location for catching Unown in Pokemon LeafGreen. To get the Unown to appear in the ruins you need to complete the Tanoby Key puzzle.
unown is it dums
If you mean the black shaped Pokemon, they are Unowns.
You can get Mantine in the Tanoby Ruins and the Trainer Tower by surfing.
Go into the tanoby chambers to catch the Pokemon unown.
Answer:it unlocks the Unown in the Tanoby Ruins farther south.
Answer:It unlocks the Unown in the Tanoby Ruins farther south.
Once you move the rocks in the cavern you can find unknown in the Tanoby Ruins.
You need a gameshark, and gameshark codes. In other words "dirty cheating which ruins your game"
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
in the cave with the statues on the 5 or 6 islandYou go to the Tanoby Ruins. You must solve the puzzle in the Tanoby Chamber.