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Here is a a guide to missions 1 - 10 on Club Penguin

Mission 1:

  1. Talk to Aunt Artic.
  2. Go to the Ice Rink & go to the right. Pick up the pictures on the ground.
  3. Give the pictures to Aunt Artic.
  4. Go the the Pet Shop.
  5. Go to the left.
  6. Click on the note that's stuck to the puffle house.
  7. I can't help you here. The messege is different every time you do the mission. But the note always says "G has __ pairs of socks". Figure out how many pairs he has for that mission & go to the Sport Shop.
  8. Talk to G. Ask him if he has any "Special items". Tell him how many pairs of socks he has.
  9. Take the life preserver shooter. Go to the Ice Berg & rescue all the dumb penguins that got stranded on a piece of ice. Save them by firing life preservers at them.
  10. Go to the ski mountain. Talk to the crying penguin. Open your spy phone & click on the LED light. Click on the spanner & click on the telescope to fix it.
  11. Look through the telescope & go to the left. You will see a green puffle flying around a mountain.
  12. Go to the Sport Shop & get the grappling hook.
  13. Go to the tallest mountain. Click on the grappling hook & click at the top of the mountain.
  14. You will find the 2 lost puffles.
  15. Talk to Aunt Artic.
  16. Get the medal & the letter from Aunt Artic. Game over.

Mission 2:

  1. Talk to G & ask him for your mission.
  2. The answer to the riddle is 'mogul'.
  3. Put G's new sled in your inventory.
  4. Go to the ski mountain.
  5. You will see a sign that says test run. Click the prototype sled & ride down the test run.
  6. Crash.
  7. Pick up the string behind the snow clump then move to the right.
  8. Pick up the survival guide. (You don't have to read it.)
  9. Go towards the bush will the berries on it.
  10. Pick up 3 berries. Put them in the same compartment to save space.
  11. Shake the tree to the right 3 times. A pot will fall out of the tree.
  12. Go towards the tree stump.
  13. Click on one of the puffles. They'll all run away except the black one.
  14. Feed the black puffle a berry. It will go on fire & will follow you around for the rest of the mission.
  15. Go to the left then go towards the log & the bush.
  16. Pick up the ski. Put it in the same compartment as the string. It will make a fishing rod.
  17. Put a berry with the fishing rod for bait.
  18. Go to the right & go back to the tree stump.
  19. Go to the right & go towards the cave.
  20. Go to the right & go towards the river.
  21. Use the fishing rod to catch a fish. Put the fish in your inventory.
  22. Fill the pot with water.
  23. Go to the right & pick up the piece of wood.
  24. Go back to the cave. Click on the bushes in front of the entrance to pull them aside.
  25. Enter the cave & click on one of the rocks.
  26. Go to the new fire place you have made & put the piece of wood in it.
  27. Get your survival guide & click on the fire. You will rip up the book.
  28. Feed the puffle a berry. It will light the fire.
  29. Cook the fish & eat it.
  30. Boil the pot of water (to get rid of bacteria) & drink it. You will fall asleep.
  31. You will wake up because of a noise outside. The annoying puffle is gone. Yay!
  32. Go outside & talk to the agent on a jet pack. He will bring you the the Sport Shop.
  33. Talk to G.
  34. Get the medal & the letter from G. Game over.

Mission 3:

  1. Talk to the goofy looking guy.
  2. Talk to him. D'oh! He locks the vault but has forgotten the combination.
  3. Go to the staff room.
  4. Go to the right… keep going until you get to the sofa. Now click under the sofa.
  5. Pick up the floppy disk & the paper clip.
  6. Go to the computer. Put the floppy disk in the floppy disk place & press the 'on' button.
  7. Click on 'My Files'.
  8. Click on 'combination_number'.
  9. I can't help you here. The combination is different every time you do this mission. But here's a clue: N stands for North, S stands for South, E stands for East & W stands for West.
  10. You can also play a game called Ice_Bricks. Click the paddle to start. There are ten levels. This is just a mini game & has nothing to do with the mission. But it's a fun game to play!
  11. Go down stairs & enter the combination.
  12. Go into the vault.
  13. Click on the money. It's on the roof.
  14. You will get a phone call. G wants to meet you at the HQ.
  15. Talk to him.
  16. Look at the video. Then go back to G.
  17. Click on the drawer & pick up the gold key in the top left corner.
  18. Go to the staff room in the gift shop again.
  19. Open the door to the roof with the key.
  20. Open your spy phone & get the spanner.
  21. Open the powa box with the spanner.
  22. Trow the paper clip in the powa box. BANG!
  23. There is a piece of white fiber in the gutter. Pick it up.
  24. Go to the vault downstairs.
  25. Click on the money.
  26. Go to HQ & give G the fiber.
  27. Go to the right. Pick up the funny looking torch under the map. (If you have Night Vision Goggles you don't need the tourch.)
  28. Go to the Town & talk to the crying penguin.
  29. Go into the Night Club & turn on the flash light, or if you have night vision goggles use them. They look way cooler!
  30. Go to the secret entrance to the boiler room (it's one of the speakers).
  31. Find the fuse box & click on it.
  32. Read the instructions that are inside of the fuse box.
  33. You have to make all the lights green. I can't help you here. Just click on the lights it a random order.
  34. When you get the power on go into the Night Club & talk to the penguin that was crying.
  35. Go to HQ & talk to G.
  36. Get the medal & a thank you card. Game over.

Mission 4:

  1. Talk to G.
  2. Go into the Gadget Room.
  3. Go to the left.
  4. Pick up the Life Preserver Shooter.
  5. Go to the Ski Village.
  6. Pick up the white fur beside the lift.
  7. Go into the Ski Lodge.
  8. Go to the right.
  9. Pick up the Fishing Rod that's beside the Ice Fishing door.
  10. Put the Fishing Rod with the Live Preserver Shooter. You have made something! Good for you!
  11. Go to the Sport Shop.
  12. Go to the right.
  13. Click the belt on a winking penguin model.
  14. Go to the Lighthouse.
  15. Go to the right.
  16. Pick up the piece of rope that's on the boat.
  17. Put that with the Fishing Rod Shooter thing.
  18. Yay! You've made a Penguin Rescuer thing!
  19. Go to the Beacon.
  20. Get the Spanner from your Spy Phone.
  21. Unscrew the telescope from the railing.
  22. Put the telescope in your inventory.
  23. Go to the Sport Shop again.
  24. Go into Gary's Room.
  25. Put the telescope on the tripod near a window in Gary's Room.
  26. Click the telescope.
  27. Memorise the paths that lead to the penguins.
  28. Go to the Ski Mountain.
  29. Go down Ridge Run.
  30. Go down the paths that you saw in the telescope. Go down the right paths until you get to a broken fence.
  31. Click the Penguin Rescuer on the hole in the fence.
  32. Brake the branch over the right with the Tube.
  33. Pick up the Penguin on the tree first.
  34. Now pick up the penguin on the left.
  35. Now put a penguin back on the tree.
  36. The tree is bent so now you can get to the penguin under the tree.
  37. Pick up the penguin you left on the tree.
  38. Put all three penguins on the edge with the rock on it.
  39. The rock will fall on the sled that the last penguin is stuck in.
  40. Pick up the three penguins on the edge.
  41. Pick up the last penguin that bounced off the sled.
  42. When you rescued all 4 penguins go to the Ski Village.
  43. Talk to the crying brown penguin.
  44. Get the belt you took out of your inventory & click the ski lift.
  45. The belt fixes the ski lift!
  46. The brown penguin is really happy now!
  47. Go to the Ski Hill.
  48. Talk to G.
  49. Give him the white fur.
  50. Get the medal & the Handy Penguin Award. Read the letter (you can't get the letter because it explodes). Game over.

Mission 5:

  1. Talk to G.
  2. Pink fur is stuck in his Furensic Analyzer 3000. (The suitcase beside him.)
  3. Get the comb out of your spy phone & comb the pink fur.
  4. The fur belongs to a pink puffle.
  5. G will now give you a bit of white fur. Put that into the Furensic Analyzer 3000.
  6. On the second scan, Hot Chocolate, Hot Sauce & Jet Pack Fuel will appear.
  7. Go to the Pizza Parlor. Talk to the guy cleaning the floor.
  8. Take a bottle of Hot Sauce & a bottle of Chocolate Sauce.
  9. Talk to the penguin again. He'll ask you to bring the pizza on the counter to a penguin at the Ski Lodge.
  10. Take the pizza & go to the Ski Lodge.
  11. Go through the Ice Fishing door.
  12. Give the pizza to the penguin fishing.
  13. Go to the Coffee Shop. Talk to the penguin behind the counter.
  14. Look at the drawing he did of the monster.
  15. Talk to him again. Ask him for Hot Chocolate.
  16. The machine is broken. Get your spanner from your spy phone & fix the tube on the right for the milk.
  17. Put the mug under the 'press for hot chocolate' button.
  18. Put the Chocolate Sauce into the 'insert chocolate' bowl at the top.
  19. Click the switch on the side to turn up the heat.
  20. Click the button that says 'press for hot chocolate'.
  21. Put the mug into your inventory.
  22. Go back the the Gadget Room. Take the AC 1000.
  23. Go to the Beacon. Go over the launch pad.
  24. Get the AC 1000 and fan the balloon over to you.
  25. Cut the fuel off the balloon with the scissors in your inventory.
  26. Pick up the fuel & go back the the Gadget Room.
  27. Go back to the Furensic Analyzer 3000.
  28. Put the Hot Sauce into the thing beside it.
  29. Then put the Hot Chocolate in.
  30. Then put the Jet Pack Fuel in.
  31. Pick up the glasses on the thing beside the Furensic Analyzer 3000.
  32. Go to the Ski Lodge. Put on the glasses.
  33. Go into the Ice Fishing door again.
  34. Aaaaah! A monster! Go back into the Ski Lodge & pick up the candle on the wall.
  35. Go to the Beach. Pick up the net beside the Lighthouse.
  36. Go to the lighthouse. Pick up the rope on the boat from mission 4.
  37. Put the rope on the net. You've made a trap!
  38. Go back to the monster. Put the trap on the tree.
  39. Put a candle on the trap.
  40. A crab will go to get the candle. The crab gets trapped, & the monster runs away.
  41. Pick up the crab & the white fur that the monster left behind.
  42. Go back the G in the Gadget Room.
  43. Talk to G. Give him the crab.
  44. Put the white fur in the Furensic Analyzer 3000.
  45. The monster is a Polar Bear! Talk to G again.
  46. Get the medal & the pizza. Game over.

Mission 6:

  1. Talk to G. He will turn on the Crab Translator 3000.
  2. The crab brakes the machine & escapes. What are you waiting for? Chase it!
  3. The crab will bring you to the Ski Hill. Follow him off the edge.
  4. You land in the wilderness. Follow the crab to the cave you used in Mission 2.
  5. Go towards the tree stump. (Look! It's the puffle from Mission 2!)
  6. Go to the left, towards the big log.
  7. Use the scissors in your spy phone to cut the rope to get the bag of O Berries.
  8. Go back towards the tree stump & give the black puffle an O Berry.
  9. Go back to the cave & throw a Puffle O in the pet door.
  10. When the black puffle unlocks the door, go in.
  11. Oh no! It's a trap! You are stuck in a cage.
  12. The Polar Bear appears. Listen to his looong story.
  13. When he leaves, go to the right until you reach a funny looking machine called the 'Cage Lift'.
  14. Put an O Berry on the lever on one of the pipes. The puffle jumps up, pulls the lever, & water starts to flow.
  15. Put an O Berry on the left side of the chute. The puffle will jump on top of the shute, thus making the water go the other way.
  16. Put an O Berry on the scales. The puffle will pull the scales down, the little wall will go up, & the water will turn the water wheel, making the cage lift!
  17. Go the the left & pick up the anchor & the rope lying on one of the planks stuck to the wall.
  18. Put them together to make a climbing thingy!…
  19. Go the the left until you see a desk. Put the hot sauce & G's Electro Magnet 3000 blueprints in your inventory.
  20. Go to the door & open it. Snow will fall from the roof.
  21. Put hot sauce on an O Berry & give it to the black puffle.
  22. The black puffle will fly through the snow & leave a path for you.
  23. Go back to the cliff & use the climbing thingy to get back to the Ski Hill.
  24. Go the the Ski Lodge (if you listened to the Polar Bear's story, you'd know he's going to make the Ski Lodge into a big bonfire).
  25. Go through the Ice Fishing door. The Polar Bear is in there.
  26. Now you can go to the Pizza Parlor. Order a seaweed pizza.
  27. Go back to the Polar Bear. Give him the pizza.
  28. While his back is turned, click the lever on the machine.
  29. When he turns back to his machine, he'll start it.
  30. It goes backwards & pushed him & the Crab across the lake.
  31. G turns up. Talk to him.
  32. You get a phone call from the Polar Bear.
  33. Talk to G again. Give him the blueprints.
  34. Watch the black puffle soaring across the sky….
  35. Get the medal & the Electro Magnet 1000 blueprints. Game over.

Mission 7:

  1. Talk to G & watch the secret footage.
  2. Go over to the door into the Gadget Room & click the Invention Cabinet on the left of the door.
  3. The access word is 'key'. Use your code translator in the corner to help.
  4. Take the mini Electromagnet 3000 out & go to the Ice Burg.
  5. Go to the left & use the magnet to attract the block of ice with the spring in it.
  6. Go to the Gadget Room & put the ice block on the conveyor belt of the Test Chamber.
  7. Pull the red level to bring the ice block into the Test Chamber.
  8. Click the fire button to melt the ice, then pull the red lever again to take the spring out.
  9. Go to the Snow Forts & put the spring in the Clock Tower.
  10. Go to the Town & take a poster of the main gear from Rookie, the penguin that helped you during Mission 3.
  11. Go to the Pizza Parlor & take the music script that's on the ground beside the piano.
  12. Go to the Stage & click the piano. Put the music script on the piano & play the tune correctly to make the yellow puffle happy.
  13. Give the puffle the picture of the main gear.
  14. Go to the Beach & take the green bucket beside the guy in the snow chair.
  15. Go to the Snow Forts & fill the bucket up with snow. (It has to be Snow Forts snow, it's the best kind for some reason.)
  16. Go back to the yellow puffle at the Stage & give him the snow. He will make a snow gear.
  17. Take the snow gear to the Gadget Room & put it in the Test Chamber like you did with the ice block, but this time press the snow button.
  18. The snow will get so cold it will turn to ice.
  19. Now put the ice gear in the Clock Tower too.
  20. Now go to the Dock & ask the two penguins for the target back.
  21. They will challenge you to a tricky game. You have to hit the target three times, but you have limited snowballs.
  22. Take the target when you win, & go to the Gadget Room.
  23. Take the live preserver off the shelf beside the Thingamajig 3003.
  24. Go back to the Dock & give the guys the life preserver as a replacement target.
  25. Go to the Snow Forts & put the target on the Clock Tower.
  26. Rory will talk to you. Then you will get a phone call from Herbert.
  27. G will come along after you've finished talking to Herbert. Talk to G.
  28. Get the medal & the Blue Team Pennant. Game over.

Mission 8:

  1. Talk to G. While you're there pick up the flying Fedora Hat to the left of the door into the HQ.
  2. Go to the Dock & talk to Herbert when he comes out of the ground. When he goes back underground take the lamp Klutzy dropped, unless you have Night Vision Goggles - then you won't need it.
  3. Follow the map Klutzy snapped in half into the Town. One will get stuck on the Night Club sign & one will continue to blow away towards the Snow Forts.
  4. Go into the Coffee Shop & help pick up the cookies that fell on the ground. The penguin will offer you a cookie when your finished.
  5. Go outside and put the fedora hat on the green puffle. Then feed him the cookie so he can fly high enough to get you half the map.
  6. Follow the other half to the Snow Forts. It'll get stuck in one of the flag poles. Free it & it'll fly into the Plaza.
  7. It will get stuck in a guy's newspaper. Talk to him. He will mention he wants a pizza.
  8. Go into the Pizza Parlor & get him a pizza. Then go back outside & give it to him. Then ask for the newspaper.
  9. When he gives you it, take the map piece out of it & stick to two halves together. You can now find your way around Herbert's tunnel.
  10. Before you go down there though, you need to get some equipment.
  11. You'll need some tent pegs you can find in the Sport Shop near the door.
  12. You'll need a net. Take one from the big pile outside the Lighthouse.
  13. You'll need some balloons. Ask the orange penguin in the Lighthouse for one.
  14. You'll need a hammer. There's one attached to the wall in the Gadget Room. It's to the right of G.
  15. You need a helium tank. There's on in the Gadget Room to the left of the door into the HQ. You have to ask G before you can take it.
  16. Now you have everything. First of all, take a balloon out of the balloon box & fill it up with helium.
  17. Go to the Town.
  18. Use the inflated balloon to lift up the Gift Shop.
  19. Quickly put the net under the Gift Shop.
  20. Then put the pegs around the net.
  21. Then hammer them into the ground.
  22. This will support the Gift Shop so you can safely continue through the tunnel.
  23. Go into the tunnel & find your way around using your map.
  24. When you go through the tunnel under the Gift Shop you will see the drill Herbert was in. Use the wrench on your spy phone to unscrew the gear from Mission 7 from the machine. Put it in your inventory & continue through the hole into the Boiler Room.
  25. Talk to Herbert. He will brake the boiler in frustration & run away.
  26. G will tell you to fix the boiler. You have to connect the top left-hand pipe to the bottom right-hand pipe to fix it.
  27. When you fix it G will tell you to meet him at the HQ.
  28. Go to the HQ & talk to G. (He's over by the map of CP.)
  29. Give him the gear.
  30. G says that the next mission will be about catching Herbert. At last!
  31. Get the medal & the ice gear. Game over.

Mission 9:

  1. Talk to G.
  2. Put the duck, the blueprint (it's on the wall) & the three tracking devices in your inventory.
  3. Go to the Dock & talk to the penguin. To fix the boat you just need to pull the brown thing sticking out the top. Then ask if you can borrow the pump.
  4. Go to the Plaza & talk to the two penguins. Help them when the blue puffle covers them in Chewing Gum. Then ask if you can keep the gum.
  5. Now put the gum on the duck, then inflate it with the pump. When it's fully inflated, attach a tracking device.
  6. Now go to the Iceberg & put the duck in the water.
  7. Now go to the Ski Village, & go inside the Ski Lodge.
  8. Talk to the penguins playing Find Four. Then go find the rest of the pucks for them. (Make sure to check upstairs in the Lodge Attic as well!)
  9. While you're up in the Attic, make sure you pick up the string on the ground.
  10. When you have all the pucks, give them to the two penguins. (You'll get an extra reward at the end of the mission for doing this.)
  11. Now go the the Forest & pick up the sticks on the ground.
  12. Put the sticks, the blueprint & the string together to make a kite. Then attach a tracker.
  13. Go to the Ski Hill. Put the kite on the signpost.
  14. Now go the the Mine Shack. Help Rory fix the trough by dragging the planks of wood around. You need to make the trough point to the right instead of the left.
  15. Then help Rory but fixing a mine cart. This bit's really fun. You have to weld the cracks on the cart.
  16. Now that the cart is fixed, put your last tracker in it.
  17. Now that all three trackers are in place, you should receive a call from G. Go to HQ & talk to G (he's beside the map).
  18. Take the Binoculars 3000 off the desk.
  19. Then go the the Ice Lake, which can be accessed from the Ski Lodge. Use the binoculars to look across the lake.
  20. Watch what he's doing. When he walks off, G will call you.
  21. Now go to his camp & take your old spy phone. Attach the spy phone to the binoculars.
  22. Place the binoculars in a tree (keep trying each tree till you reach the correct one).
  23. Now return to HQ & watch the live footage on one of the TVs.
  24. Herbert will notice the binoculars, but G says the mission was a success.
  25. Get the medal & the box of chocolates. Game over.

Mission 10:

  1. Talk to G. Eventually Herbert will come up on the CCTV screens.
  2. After he's finished talking the leader of the PSA comes up on a hidden screen. (Doesn't look much like Aunt Artic to me…)*
  3. When she's finished speaking and the other two agents go away, pick up the solar panel in the box beside G.
  4. Then go to the beach and talk to the Jet Pack Guy. He needs some Cream Soda. Go into the Lighthouse to get some. (It's in a barrel at the back of the room.)
  5. Give the barrel to Jet Pack Guy. Now you need to get the right measurements of soda to make jet pack fuel. Here's how to do it: L = large container on the left M = container in the middle S = Smallest container on the right to = Pour one container into the other

    L to M
    M to S
    S to L
    M to S
    L to M
    M to S
    S to L

  6. When you get the right measurements Jet Pack Guy will fly off. Now go to the Gift Shop.
  7. Talk to the manager and agree to help him put his stuff outside. Take the box of clothes, the box of…. round things and the table.
  8. Go outside and drop the table on the ground near the sign pointing to the Snow Forts.
  9. Put the clothes and the round things on the table and go back into the Gift Shop and talk to the manager again.
  10. Now go over to Rookie and talk to him. He needs the solar panel you picked up earlier. Put it on to the end of the giant wire for the magnet.
  11. Yay, more puzzles. You need to connect the yellow, red and blue lines to their corresponding-coloured circles. I can't help you here; you're on your own.
  12. When you're finished with the magnet, go to the Dock and talk to the guy beside the boat. Ask him for some rope and he'll give you it.
  13. Now go to to Night Club and attach the rope to the trap.
  14. Pull the lever when the rope is on to find the trap is broken. Unscrew the plate of metal with your spanner to begin yet another puzzle.
  15. You need to fit the gears into their proper places. It's not too difficult, so you shouldn't have any problems with it.
  16. When the trap is working again, go to the Ski Village and answer your phone.
  17. Go to the Dock and find "Herbert". After Klutzy runs away answer your phone again.
  18. Go to the Night Club and pull the lever to trap Herbert…. or not.
  19. Answer your phone again. The Golden Puffle will get stuck to the magnet which bursts through the wall.
  20. Now you can either take Jet Pack Guy's jetpack and attack it to the cage, or shine all three lights on the ceiling onto the solar panel to make the magnet stronger. Either way Herbert will get stuck.
  21. After G stops talking, Rookie gives Herbert his phone and Herbert transports to another room. When the two other agents leave, G picks up a package of seeds that Herbert dropped..
  22. Get the medal and the gift. Game over.
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Q: How do you solve mission 1-10 on club penguin?
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