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Delete the game and start over.

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Q: How do you soft reset your gba game?
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What is soft reseting in pokemon?

I believe its if you press A and B and Select and Start all together you will reset the game. A,B,start and select together works for the GBA games.Start,Select,L,R works for the ds version Pokemon games.

What is soft resetting?

Soft reseting is when you reset a DS/GBA game without yanking it out causing the DS/GBA to get damaged! Soft reseting is easy, for DS it's combination L+R+Start+Select. For the GBA the combination is A+B+Start+Select! That's all, hope that helped!You hold down L,R,Start,and Select. It might take a while to get a shiny but it's worth it.

Do you have to reset Pokemon SoulSilver game if you migrate your gba Pokemon?

No, you do not have to reset your Pokémon SoulSilver game if you decide to migrate any of your Pokémon from any of your Pokémon Gameboy Advance games.

Is it possible to trade Pokemon on one ds with a normal game and a GBA game?

You can migrate GBA Pokemon to a DS Pokemon game but you can't trade using the GBA game trying to trade with another GBA game.

How do you reset your game while playing?

With some GBA games, you can hold the following buttons to return to the title screen: Select + Start + B + A

Where do you get mew in any gba game preferably sapphire or emerald?

you cant get mew in a gba game. YES YOU CAN! you can only get mew in a gba game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reset your device to factory settings on a gba sp?

When you reset your device to factory settings on a GBA SP, it means that you are formatting your device. This will erase all the data that you have on the device.

What is the best GBA game?

the best gba game is oviously Pokemon emerald

What does soft reset in dstt mean?

it means that you can reset your game to the menu by pressing A+B+Y+X+L+R. its hard but it will work

Can you somehow swap Pokemon from a vba game to a gba game?

if you mean gba to gba them all you need is a game boy SP and a connection wire and your good to go

Is there any Pokemon game of Sinnoh for gba?

No. Sinnoh is too new for a GBA game to come out

Does the gba sp play gba games?

Yes you can use game shark codes on a game shark sp. There is no difference between the game shark for the GBA and the game shark for the GBA SP. you have to click your game to the side and cheats will pop out , you click the cheats you want and prees start