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Soft reseting is when you reset a DS/GBA game without yanking it out causing the DS/GBA to get damaged! Soft reseting is easy, for DS it's combination L+R+Start+Select. For the GBA the combination is A+B+Start+Select! That's all, hope that helped!
You hold down L,R,Start,and Select. It might take a while to get a shiny but it's worth it.

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What is better for finding Pokemon shinys soft-resetting or hard-resetting?

Soft resetting is usually the best way to go. Even though you may have to do several times, it'll work the best.

Does soft resetting hurt DS?

No. In fact, soft resetting is better for your DS battery than turning it off then on, an it is also a lot quicker.

What legendaries can be shiny when soft reseting?

All legendaries can be shiny when soft resetting.

I have a kyogre. Do you have kyogre?

I have a Kyogre. It's shiny :3 Took me 4 days of soft-resetting!

How do you catch a shiny Rayquaza in ruby?

keep on soft resetting your game until it is shiny or cheat

How do you get a shiny starter on leafgreen Pokemon without hack?

You can by soft resetting a numerous amount of times.

Can saving mess up soft resetting in Pokemon after an encounter with a non-shiny legendary?

If you saved before encountering a Legendary, you can soft reset to encounter it again until you find the right one you want, but saving after catching or fainting a Legendary, soft resetting can't bring the Legendary back. It won't mess up the soft reset, but it can ruin the chances of finding a shiny Legendary if you already saved after encountering it.

How do you get female chikorita in Pokemon Gold?

Chikorita has around 17.5% chance to be a female, so keep soft resetting til you get one.

Can you turn off your Game Boy after soft resetting?

Yes, You can because that is what SRing is really but in a shorter way. Hope this helped :P

Can soft resetting break your game?

no it wont break your game it is a safe and easy way to restart your game with out turning your DS or DSI off

How long has it taken some people to get a Shiny Torchic on Pokemon Ruby by soft resetting?

it took me about an hour and a half I soft reseted for more than 20 hours but i never got a shiny I have logged over 1,300 soft resets and still no shiny

Can you get the pokeme radar in Pokemon HeartGold?

Sadly, Nintendo discontinued the "Pokeradar" in the new games. Only way you can get shinies now is by breeding and Soft Resetting.