I don't think there is such an option. But don't worry, you only need to do this once for your account. After that, you can play for months or years without doing the tutorial.
its impossible to die on tutorial island
As of the update that made the quest Learning the Ropes into the new tutorial, Tutorial Island is inaccesible to all characters. The only place it is still present is Runescape Classic.
near tutorial island
You can't. You have to deal with it the whole time.
Yes. Go to Youtube and search for a tutorial.
I asume u mean turtorial island and the answer is no. In the new version of Runescape, you may skip the tutorial. In the upper left window with the stages, quests, etc. just click the x. Then you can continue the game. I recommend following the tutorial until you reach the profession you plan on doing. If you aren't sure about the skill you want to 99, you can get an idea from the tutorial. I wouldn't do it all though, it is extraordinarily long.
you can its a tutorial
I just finished a tutorial in RuneScape.
Yes you can
You learn how to play Runescape, in the tutorial island at the beginning.
its impossible to die on tutorial island
As of the update that made the quest Learning the Ropes into the new tutorial, Tutorial Island is inaccesible to all characters. The only place it is still present is Runescape Classic.
You can't. Nothing will happen to complete the tutorial. Just do it!
near tutorial island
no it makes you do the tutorial but jagex moderaters can start an account without the tutorial
You do what it tells you to do, simple. If you can't do the tutorial how are you going to play them game in the first place.
I'm sorry to say you can't skip the tutorial on nintendogs. I'ts imposible. You need to teach your dog all that stuff so I suggest you get a pre-owned game of nintendogs and that way you can skip it I suppose.