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You can't. Nothing will happen to complete the tutorial. Just do it!

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Q: How do you skip the tutorial on the DSi camera?
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How do you get photos on to your dsi?

There are two cameras on your DSi, One in front one in back, On your DSi menu, there is program for your camera,Tap that then it will take you to a tutorial (unless your not new)

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you can its a tutorial

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You Can Not Record With The Dsi Camera

How to get a video camera on dsi?

you cannot get a video camera on dsi, you will have to wait for a newer dsi to come out but the dsi XL also does not have a video camera

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Yes you can

Can you do ooVoo on dsi?

yes there is a camera in the middle of the dsi

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I think the dsi is better because you get the internet easier, the dsi already has the camera, it has where you can record your voice, and on the camera, you can take funny pictures. I dont have a dsi but my friends voted the dsi is better.

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How do you skip Nintendogs tutorial?

I'm sorry to say you can't skip the tutorial on nintendogs. I'ts imposible. You need to teach your dog all that stuff so I suggest you get a pre-owned game of nintendogs and that way you can skip it I suppose.

What is the best Nintendo DS?

The best is DSI, it has a camera, and stuff, Get a dsi

Can a DSi take photos?

Yes, the DSi can take pictures since it has one outer camera and one inner camera.

Can the Nintendo DS lite take pictures?

No, as it lacks a camera. The DSi, DSi XL and 3DS do have a camera and can take pictures.