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okay so if you want to shear a sheep, you need a shear. If you have one, then do what I say. If you don't have one then craft one with 2 iron in any order. Now to shear the sheep, just right click it with the shear.

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Q: How do you shear a sheep on minecraft?
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What do you feed sheep in Minecraft?

You don't need to feed sheep anything to keep them alive, but they need wheat to reproduce. They also eat grass after you shear them to restore their coat.

How do you shear the black sheep on RuneScape?

you need some shears, then use shear on the sheep.

What do you get if you shear a sheep?

A fleece and a shorn sheep.

How do you put shear in a sentence?

i will shear the sheep and lamb.

What does a shearer do?

shear sheep

How do you make a sheer in minecraft?

To make shears, just put to iron ingots in a diagonal fashion in any area of your crafting table. You can use these to shear sheep which not only doesn't kill the sheep but you get more wool for shearing the sheep than when you kill it.

How can you use the word shear in a sentence?

Verb-'Shear' as in "Shear a sheep"Noun-'Shears' as in "a pair of shears"Past tense verb-'Sheared' as in "He sheared a sheep"

Do sheep's fur grow back in minecraft?

Sheep will lose there wool if you shear them. They will eat grass and regain there wool. The sound is similar to a dirt block breaking. Players often mistake it for 'Herobrine' but that's something for you to find out.

What are the ratings and certificates for 10 Ways to Shear a Sheep - 2007?

10 Ways to Shear a Sheep - 2007 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

What is the homophone of sheer?

Shear is the homophone for sheer. An example sentence for shear: One of his duties on the farm was to shear the sheep.

What is the work of shepherd?

To take care of sheep, and shear the sheep. Also, to herd sheep. Therefore they are a Sheep herd, or Shepherd.