You need the server software first. Once you get the server set up, you can copy your save to the server.
Minecraft has a separate multiplayer server file to download for free. Just look for the links for the forums or look at Youtube to find out how to set it up.
Custom maps? You will have to setup a server, download the map and replace "world" folder with the custom map (Must be renamed to "world".) Or you can play on my server and we can set something up. I will setup world file and all that. Just tell me the map and your IGN! (In game name.) Email me at:
You can set TNT off in Minecraft Beta by clicking it, or by triggering it with redstone.
Yes. Macs and PCs can play together also. Whoever is going to host the server has to download the multiplayer server software to set it up for the other person. There is plenty of information on how to do it. It's not too hard to do but if you just look online for something like the "MinecraftWIKI" site it has step by step instructions. It's even easier if your both in the same house as Minecraft doesn't need extra software to play a multiplayer LAN game.
Install the game, search a file named workshop, is at: C:\Program Files\HD Publishing\Joint Task Force or, where You intaled the game, double click on workshop, and from there is a lot of clicks. Set Player 1, Start 1, Exit 1, better compare other multiplayer map opened with workshop file. Good luck.
Minecraft has a separate multiplayer server file to download for free. Just look for the links for the forums or look at Youtube to find out how to set it up.
Map Packs for Call of Duty World at War run $25 for the set of 3 Map Packs or $10 for each of the Individual Map Packs for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Links have been added for each of the 3 Map Packs and also include links to the individual maps. The following is extracted from these links: Map Pack 1 Multiplayer Maps "Knee Deep", "Nightfire", & "Station" Zombies"Verrückt" Map Pack 2 Multiplayer MapsBanzai, Corrosion, & Sub Pens Zombie MapsShi No Numa Map Pack 3 Multiplayer maps "Battery", "Revolution" , "Breach" Zombie Map "Der Riese" The PC Map Packs were included with the PC Call of Duty World at War game versions free
Custom maps? You will have to setup a server, download the map and replace "world" folder with the custom map (Must be renamed to "world".) Or you can play on my server and we can set something up. I will setup world file and all that. Just tell me the map and your IGN! (In game name.) Email me at:
You can only play 2 player on online servers. You can find a server from the list of minecraft servers or you can create your own personal server from the server.jar program located on the minecraft websiteOn computers anyway you need separate computers to play multiplayer (2 player). With the new 1.7.x version if you play in the same house you can now go to the single player map and select the "Open to Lan" options in the menu and anyone in the house can then join your map. They just need to go to the Multiplayer menu to find it.If your buddy lives across town then one of you will have to download the server and set it up. (the one with the faster internet or better computer)Go to the Minecraft WiKi online and it will explain it all.
It's basically identical to XP and W7. Check out YouTube for some how-to's.
When minecraft went into beta version. In alpha the world was a set size.
Go to world map and double click where you want your marker to be.
Yes, once you have the main game you can join anymultiplayer game that will let you on.You can even down load the Minecraft server yourself for free to let your buddies play with you. Go to the Minecraft WIKi online for all the information you need to set one up.
before going into the map, you should've enabled cheats. If not then, oh well.
You can just follow these simple steps. -Download the map that you want, extract the main folder place it in a temporary location. -Type "%appdata%", click "Minecraft", then find "Worlds" double click on that. -Drag your downloaded folder into that world section. -And you're set.
On the PC when you are creating a world you can set it to Superflat world type in the world options.
A Minecraft server adress is the location on the internet in which the Minecraft server is stored on. Minecraft server addresses are often a set of four numbers, such as If the owner of a large Minecraft server has a website, it is not uncommon for the address to be something like this: "".