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Yes. Macs and PCs can play together also. Whoever is going to host the server has to download the multiplayer server software to set it up for the other person. There is plenty of information on how to do it. It's not too hard to do but if you just look online for something like the "MinecraftWIKI" site it has step by step instructions. It's even easier if your both in the same house as minecraft doesn't need extra software to play a multiplayer LAN game.

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Q: Can you play with 2 players on minecraft?
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No all you have to do is just invite one of your friends to play (online only)

What is a server on Minecraft?

A server is an online place where a group of players can play together.

What is a Minecraft server?

A server is an online place where a group of players can play together.

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Yes, you can, over Wi-Fi LAN.

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There can be up to 8 players at once in a lobby.

How do you play minecraft with people on the Xbox 360?

You can play multiplayer on minecraft for Xbox 360 edition by using MATTIS. This enables even 5 players play from one server. For more details on how to play it, check the related links section below.