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you go to pastoria city and use a honey it took me 200 honeys too see it how many will it take you

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Q: How do you see a burmy?
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Pokemon platinum where can you see wormadam?

You ca't see it! Put some honey on a tree and catch a burmy then evolve burmy

Where can you see mothom at in Pokemon pearl?

you cant you have to evolve a burmy to evolve a burmy get it to lvl 20

Where can you see a burmy in Pokemon pearl?

If you go into eterna forest, there are two bug catchers, which on of them has a burmy. Prepare to double battle!

Which moves can burmy learn?

See the related link below.

Where to see a burmy in Pokemon diamond version?

get it from a honey tree

Where can you see the Pokemon burmy?

u can only c burmy if u slather barks with honey but u can only rarely c 1.

Where can you see a wormadamn?

Somewhere in Sinnoh. I recommend looking at the pokédex & see where you can find a Burmy.

Where can you see burmy in Pokemon platinum?

Slather Honey on Honey trees and there is a 15% chance that you find a Burmy leveled between level 5 and 15.

Where do you see warmadam?

you can not see a wormadam in the wild unless you use the ar. evolve a burmy. u r welcome

Were do you see burmy in pokemon diamond?

You have to put honey on one of the trees that when you walk up it says there is a sweet scent in the air. Another thing is don't expect to get a burmy on your first try.

Where do you see Pokemon 46 in platinum?

It is wormadon evolve burmy to get it (it has three different formes)

Where can you see the evolved form of burmy in Pokemon diamond?

put honey on a honey tree