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You can trade one from another game, in soulsilver you can find a trainer with a chimchar, then go to the GTS and evolve it.

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Q: How do you see a Infernape in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Where to catch Infernape Pokemon SoulSilver?

You cannot get Chimchar, Monferno, or Infernape anywhere in HeartGold or SoulSilver. You will have to trade over a Chimchar from Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.

Where can you find an Infernape on Pokemon SoulSilver?

You cant, unless u trade it or transfer it using the pokepark thingy from another game.

What type of Pokemon is infernape?

Infernape is a Fire and Fighting type pokemon.

What is a good Pokemon team for soulsilver without legendaries?

without legends um id say tyranitar,infernape,salamence,noctowl,typhlosion,and feraligatr

What Pokemon can fall in love with Infernape on Pokemon platinum?

Any Pokemon can if it is the opposite gender than your Infernape.

When does Marshtomp evolve in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In Pokemon SoulSilver, Marshtomp evolves into Swampert at level 36. See the link below.

How do you get infernape of your OT in soulsilver?

well the things you will need: A friend with an infernape, a ditto, enough data on your game to reach goldenrod city, enough money to ask for the infernape back. (if you don't have a ditto but your friend has two infernapes this will work too) method:first hold your ditto in your party, trade any pokemon to borrow your friends infernape,(or 2 if you don't have a ditto)and go to the daycare. put both the pokemon in daycare. wait around 5 minutes and you get a call from the daycare man saying that an egg has apeared, get the egg and the infernape. give the infernape back to your friend. walk around alot and then you should eventually see this: oh......? then the egg will hatch into chimchar and since it hatched in YOUR care it will be your OT! one more step! and that is to get your chimchar to lvl 36 and there you have it! you have an infernape of YOUR OT !

Who is a better Pokemon infernape or gachomp?

im guessing infernape cause infernape is a starter

When does infernape evolve into shiny infernape?

If your Infernape is not shiny to begin with, it will not evolve into a shiny Pokemon.

Can you see Celebi in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Only in an event.

Where can you see raquaza in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The Embedded Tower.

Where is a Infernape in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Infernape does not exist in Pokemon LeafGreen. Infernape didn't exist until Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, which was released after LeafGreen.