Elfin is one word that starts with e, has five letters, and the fourth letter is an i. A way to help find more words might be to make five spaces as you would in a game of hangman, and fill in the letters you know such as i and e.
nyet, nein, nope
its somone laughing, it looks like its laughing while in caps. XD
GnatGoutBoatCoatMoatOatsGoalMy teacher gave me this for homework! Hope it is useful to you!
There's no way to actually say the words exactly how they're spelled. Some people will come up with clever ways to say them, like taking out 1 letter or putting in a ! instead of the letter I. Or they'll use words that sound like the word they want to say.
This is not correct grammar. The correct way to say this would be "Unless we hurry, we will be late for the show." You would not say anything if you were not going to be late.
if u can't hurry then get out of the way for some one who can
a nice way to way 'hurry up' is 'as soon as possible' -- ASAP
a quarter to five
Jason Micheal carrol's hurry home
Seven thousand five hundred is the correct way to say 7500.
The way I say it, 'duplex' has no silent letter.