Bom jogo Boa partida(good game, good match)
Yes but only once at the end at the game. And russian soldiers may say the f word a lot in russian but most american players wont understand what it means.
A good virtual family game for tweens would be when they watch on the TV or read the magazines. Mine expired so I can't say anything else.
i would say that the best weapons in the game are the artifact weapons they do more damage than a mormal or even unique items
You can say "Это было хорошо" in Russian to mean "It was good."
"Доброе утро" (pronounced as "Dobroe utro") is how you say "good morning" in Russian.
You can say "Я в порядке" (Ya v poryadke) in Russian to mean "I'm good."
Russian for "Good evening" is Добрый вечер. Pronounced do-bree vye-chair.
ты хорошийty horoshiĭ
dobroe utro
'Dobri vecher'.
Khoroshaya sobaka
Доброе утро.
The translation for "good boy" in Russian is "хороший мальчик" pronounced as "khoroshy malchik".
Good Night: Spokoini Noche.
Удачи [udachi]