Yes but only once at the end at the game. And russian soldiers may say the f word a lot in russian but most american players wont understand what it means.
The "Old English" Word For Noob. Usually meaning someone is unintelligent or lacks common sense. Mainly used in online gaming. Call of Duty has many of these.
The modern English word for "thee" is you. Thee and thou are used the same way as our modern you and your.
Yes, the campaign mode even has the F word in it at least once and on the Online mode people can get very foul mouthed and say some horrible things to you. Remember to report or mute them if they do this.
day, duty, dummy
because at 1 level at the end of the game you have to watch someone get stabbedand they say a swear word which is assh**e.but the game was going to be rated 15 or 16 but because of that one incident its an 18.
Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, Call of Duty World at War, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty Black Ops, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Call of Duty Ghosts, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare coming soon on November 4th, 2014. Pre-order soon =D
not alto but it does have some other curse words in it
Call of duty Modern Warfare 2
they swear a little like they say the s word and the a word like 2 times in the game but that's it
Considering it is one of the biggest games right now, I'm sure there are many people working to get it formatted for the Wii. So my guess is yes, you'll see it on the Wii soon. Although graphics will probably be lacking and voice chat will be nonexistent like the first Modern Warfare, and so I recommend investing in the PC version if you want the full experience.
modern warfare 56
Yes it does a couple times
No it doesn't
on the xbox game call duty, if you die, your teammate can revie you. or i was playing call duty and my teammate so and so revived me