first go to save map then click on copy and then the white box to the right, right click on it and click paste then fill in what you want to call it and the dificulty and what kind of vehicle and then submit track.
It is a track on Free Rider that you don't control. Effectively the track plays itself. The first thing an auto track has a a boost at the start to keep it the same every time. Auto tracks are commonly shared on forums by using the "Save Track" in game option and copy + pasting the code.
You can't hack into Free Rider 2 unless you have the game file.
You don't need to download free rider 2 just click below link to play it online.
No, it's more like a name of a track not a track or "cheat" fo free rider 2.
It is a track on Free Rider that you don't control. Effectively the track plays itself. The first thing an auto track has a a boost at the start to keep it the same every time. Auto tracks are commonly shared on forums by using the "Save Track" in game option and copy + pasting the code.
You Shag Your Computer and say save me
When you select your checkpoint, simply just click where you want to add it.
You can't hack free rider 2 just search free rider 2 cheat codes but if you want an even better free rider search free rider 2 new vehicles
Search for Free Rider 2 on
Free Rider and Free Rider 2 were created by Pete.
if you're in Firefox, right-click anywhere on the page that has Free Rider 2 on, and click View Page Info. Then click on the Media tab. Look for a file on that list that sounds like it's Free Rider 2. Then click Save File, now save it to your desktop. Then Google SWF Opener. Download it... Install...Now open the file that you saved earlier.-Kyle Lewis
u go to free rider 2 (duh) then you go to the options on the right side and you see an icon that looks like a folder then you click and do your bogas stuff. by the way the cheat codes are just a bunch of fake stuff