it auto matically saves by it self or you can change the settings in the option button or data button
No, Mcleod's flash game Super Smash Flash 2 has no computer viruses.
Sorry. you can't unlcok him in super smash flash. But look somewhere if he is in one of the Super Smash Flash 2 versions and unlock him. Good luck :-)
on super smash flash 2 demo v0.4b on if it doesn't work search on
Shadow isn't in Super Smash Flash 2 yet.
No, Super Smash Flash 2 does not have any viruses.
No, Mcleod's flash game Super Smash Flash 2 has no computer viruses.
No. Super Smash Flash is a Flash-based fan game designed to be like Super Smash Bros.
theres already super smash flash 2 demo v7
no Super smash fusion does have him
knuckles is not playable in super smash flash 2 but sonic and tails are
they might put him in super smash flash 2 demo 0.9
PictoChat is not featured in the current demo of Super Smash Flash 2.
check youtube then type super smash flash 2 v0.8 and hell be there :)
super smash flash 2 coming soon
Yes,But Lockable character in Super Smash Flash version 1
how to unlock Yoshi on super smash flash 2