You cant rob a bank in Club Penguin because club penguin is a kid friendly site and the creators made sure that kids don't turn into criminals so they don't add robbing and hitting but they kinda add bad language but you cant because...
A) You cant because (b) there is no bank in club penguin
No. You could get banned.
Of what I know, it is impossible to rob another penguin on CP
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
A) You cant because (b) there is no bank in club penguin
You can't.
No. You could get banned.
You cannot "rob" anything on club penguin, it is impossible.
That is a horrible question. Plus you can't 'rob' on Club Penguin.
Of what I know, it is impossible to rob another penguin on CP
yoyo u have to go around the corner, shot a guy, and rob a bank
There is no bank on club penguin, some people might pretend, but there is NO bank on club penguin.
you can't rob g but you can pretend to
He isn't a robber. You can only Hack not rob and Hacking and cheating is againest Club penguin privacy and rules so he would be banned constantly
there isnt one
there used to be a club penguin bank on the ice berg but they knocked it down so the ice berg is plain when non partys