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1)Go to town 2)Go to the pet food store 3)Go to the cork board and click buy horse 4)You have to buy a saddle 5)Go back to the corral 6)Click on your horse 7)Click walk 8)Take it to the saddle station 9)Make sure the saddle is on 10)Take it out to the path 11)Click on the horse 12)Click ride 13)And you are riding the horse!

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Q: How do you ride a horse on paws and claws pet vet for PC computers?
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How do you ride on the trails in Pet Vet Paws and Claws?

To ride on the trails on the game Pet Vet Paws and Claws walk up to a horse to get on it. Then ride to a fence and jump over it then head to the trails and ride.

How do you ride a horse on Paws and Claws Pet vet for DS?

First, You are in the Main Screen click ride out and you can choose your horse.......

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Your task list for paws and claws pet vet says to buy a horse and ride it around you already did that but a new task has not come what do you do?

That problebly means that you finished all of your quests!!!!Congratz!!!

Can you ride the horses that you are taking care of on pet vet paws and claws?

No.Added On By Amyzone:Sad to say, no you can't. The only reason you probably have those horses that you're taking care of is because they are sick and their owners gave them to you to make them better. You can't really ride a sick horse, can you? There's a way to get their energy out, and that's by Upgrading the Stable and getting a paddock.How to get horses out to the paddock:You first take the horse out of it's box and lead it out back (where the green grass should be with a fence around it; you can only get it through upgrading to the last one). When you get it out, bring it out a little ways otherwise your horse might get stuck in the wall. After this, you click stop leading and it will start to eat grass or walk out on it's own.

How do you ride a minicher horse?

you ride a minichre horse like someone would ride any other horse

How do you ride on a horse properly?

you need to have balance to ride a horse and grip.

How do you properly ride a horse?

you need to have balance to ride a horse and grip.

What is future tense of ride?

future tense of ride is ride e.g. i will ride a horse tomorrow, I'm going to ride a horse tomorrow.

What is the future tense of ride?

future tense of ride is ride e.g. i will ride a horse tomorrow, I'm going to ride a horse tomorrow.

Cant ride your horse in harvest moon for the ds why?

You cannot ride your Horse if you have the "Touch Glove" Equipped while trying to ride your horse.

Can you ride a mule in FrontierVille?

No but you can ride a horse ( the riding horse is not the one in the market )