There are two ways of doing this. 1. Press "New Game" at the start menu. 2. (WARNING! This will delete all data and there will be NO WAY to recover it!) At the start menu pres UP, Select, and B it will give you an option to continue, if you are sure you realy want to do this hit YES.
you cant get the pokeflute in fire red and leaf green you can though
trade with a fire red/leaf green game or use gameshark
Arcanine is the evolved form of Growlithe. Neither of them can be caught in the wild on Leaf Green. Growlithe is a Pokemon Fire Red exclusive pokemon. To be able to evolve it, give it a Fire Stone and then trade it to your Leaf Green game.
No trainer has that Pokemon in that game. But you can migrate it from Fire Red and Leaf Green I think.
you have 2 trade articuno from fire red or leaf green to your ruby game..veronica
get it with fire red or leaf green get it with fire red or leaf green
Fire Red & Leaf green.
you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green you have to migrate them on Fire red or Leaf green
Pokemon leaf green and Fire Red
Ebay and with the Fire Red and Leaf Green games.
trade from fire red or leaf green trade from fire red or leaf green
No only Fire Red and Leaf Green and trade it from Pokemon fire red and leaf green
it depends on what game like in leaf green and fire red you can get it one of the 7 islands
You have to trade with another game.
he isn't in the game, you need to trade it over from fire red / leaf green
you cant get the pokeflute in fire red and leaf green you can though
trade with a fire red/leaf green game or use gameshark