go to wii remote settings and it shoud say connection: reconnect hit that then is says disconecting then hold down buttons 1 and 2 hit 1 and 2 first if u want to be player 1 then you are going to hear a don ding then your set :)
Yes the controlers are not regon locked
it comes with 2 controlers 1 nunchuck & 3 games. 1 of which is the wii sport.
you reset the wii and it'll reset the wii balance board
There is a reset button on the front.
hold b and z at the same time and strike downward with both controlers.
No but you can use Nintendo controllers in Wii
If you buy a new controller, yes.
Yes the controlers are not regon locked
it comes with 2 controlers 1 nunchuck & 3 games. 1 of which is the wii sport.
between $350 and $400
you reset the wii and it'll reset the wii balance board
You can use the Wii Remote/Nunchuck, the Wii Remote Sideways, The Gamecube Controller and the Classic Controller.
if you take the wii remote apart there is a small red or blue cable if you cut this cable then the remote will conect to the xbox
Yes you can play gamecube games on the wii. You insert the disc in the same spot as wii games and plug in the controlers on the top part of the wii where there is a latch you can open.
If you mean a gamcube controller by 'Special Controller', then yes, you do.
press power on the top of the wii controlers made 12-29-07 thank you for reading Matt Crawford
No unfortunatly there is no way to update it and play Wii games with that system. The wireless controlers work to differently from the hardware of the old system.