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Once you name your character, you can't change your name, unless you restart your game.

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Q: How do you rename yourself in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater

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How do you rename your Pokemon in Pokemon SoulSilver?

First you go to goldenrod city,Then you go straight up to the next exit,there will be a lass and a purple tent next to her go inside there and an old guy will be there talk to him and you can change your Pokemon's name except for traded Pokemon

Can you rename a Pokemon twice in Pokemon GO?

You should be able to rename a Pokemon any number of times in the game.

Can you give Pokemon black Pokemon to Pokemon SoulSilver?

no you can trade soulsilver pokemon to black

How do you rename Pokemon in silver?

In slateport city there is a name rater who can rename your Pokemon remember Pokemon traded to you can't be renamed.

Where does professor Alvin live in Pokemon SoulSilver?

he is not in Pokemon soulsilver or Pokemon heartgold

How do you rename Pokemon?

In Eterna city where the second (grass type) gym is, go into the apartment block and on one of the floors there is an old man who will rename your Pokemon. He will not rename Pokemon that you got in a trade though.

What does the Pokemon SoulSilver game come with?

POKEMON SOULSILVER come with a poke walker and the Soulsilver game

Should you get Pokemon SoulSilver?

Pokemon soulsilver and Pokemon heartgold are basically the same game just different versions but i do recommend buying Pokemon soulsilver

In your opinion what's better heartgold or Pokemon SoulSilver for Pokemon?


Action replay code to rename traded Pokemon on Pokemon soulsilver?

hey i think i am not sure but you could try where he or she or what ever it is where it was in fire red and leaf green he was in the power plant i cant remember where it is sorry by you can find it and its by a city by salt water.