You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
You'll find the name rater at Castelia City. It's the building north of Central Plaza on the left.
No, you can't rename traded Pokémon legitimately, you will have to use a cheating device for it such as an Action Replay. Here is the Action Replay code for it. 5215BE54 2800FB2B 0215BE58 B0022001 0215BE5C 1C388028 D0000000 00000000
Go to the namerater in Lavender Town or rename it right after you catch it.
There is a building next to the POKeMART in Eterna City. Talk to the old man at the table in there and he'll rate your nickname and/or let you name or rename it.
You can rename a pokemon by going to the Name rater
You should be able to rename a Pokemon any number of times in the game.
You'll find the name rater at Castelia City. It's the building north of Central Plaza on the left.
There is a name rater in Castelia city. In a building just go on the street diectly east of the Pokemon center
Go find cecilia and click on change poke'mon name and change it. only on REPEREDS^ mode.
In slateport city there is a name rater who can rename your Pokemon remember Pokemon traded to you can't be renamed.
In Eterna city where the second (grass type) gym is, go into the apartment block and on one of the floors there is an old man who will rename your Pokemon. He will not rename Pokemon that you got in a trade though.
No, you can't rename traded Pokémon legitimately, you will have to use a cheating device for it such as an Action Replay. Here is the Action Replay code for it. 5215BE54 2800FB2B 0215BE58 B0022001 0215BE5C 1C388028 D0000000 00000000
Yes you can, you go to Castelia city and go to the farthest left alley. Go into the first building to the left. Inside will be a man that looks like an artist. Talk to him, he'll say that he is the name rater. Though you can not rename traded pokemon.
The Name Rater will rename any of YOUR Pokemon. If you own a Pokemon that originally belonged to someone else (Like the Machop you trade for in Goldenrod), then he wont rename it.
you can't