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i wanted to know that too. i called and they let me rename mine but besides contacting them, you cant. SO contact them! hope this helped :D

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Q: How do you rename an old toon on toontown?
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Related questions

What is a toontown paid toon?

it is just when you pay to have a toontown toon, you can buy it on their website or in some stores.

How do you make a SOS toon on toontown?

You cannot 'Make' a SOS toon on ToonTown you can be awarded a SOS toon by defeating the Sellbot VP. :]peace4life[:

How can you get your toon back on toontown?

Depends on what happened. Did your toon die?

Can you die in toontown?

You cannot 'die' in Toontown, but your Toon can get sick. To get sick, your Toon has to loose all of it's Laff Points.

How do you get Toon up in ToonTown?

by loggging on

How do you park a toon in toontown?

You log in.

Do you like toontown?

Well this is up to the Toon(you)But I love ToonTown!I have wroked on my Toon for years and have found lots of cool/fun things to do.I say that you should play ToonTown if you do not play it already.

Can you get a deleted toon back in toontown?

You can call the toontown crew and ask for your account back.

Can cogs laugh on toontown?

Yes, but only when a toon does a cog miss SOS toon.

Where is toon HQ in toontown online?

In every Playground and street there is a toon hq.

How do you become small in toontown?

In order to become small in toontown, you have to complete a toontask that says Reward: small toon. The same thing goes with big toon.

Do you have to be a member to get toon up in toontown?

No you dont have to be a member!