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Get strength by finding the wardens teeth in the safari zone and he will give it to you.

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Q: How do you remove boulders in Pokemon FireRed?
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How do you move the boulders in Pokemon FireRed?

Use the HM move Strength.

What ways should you push boulders on Pokemon FireRed?

Push them in a way so that you can go through, if your doing the tanoby key puzzle the last boulders you want to push is the bottom boulders.

How many flags you have to take to remove all boulders in Pokemon diamond?

you have to get fifty flags apparently to remove all the boulders.

What is the maze to get to Articuno in Pokemon FireRed?

It is at seafoam islands you must use strength to drop all the boulders down into the water to get to articuno. when I drop the boulders and then I was lock so what do I do.

How do you remove big boulders in Pokemon Platinum?

steal other players flags, when you get enough you can remove boulders

What badge do you need to use strength in Pokemon FireRed?

You can use the move strength in Pokémon to move boulders. You can use strength in FireRed after getting the rainbow badge.

How do you move the boulders in firered?

you get the HM strength

How do you remove boulders in Pokemon Diamond?

If the boulders are smooth then you need to get one of your Pokemon to learn strength to move it and if the boulder is rough then you need to get your Pokemon to learn rock smash ( both of these moves require HMs to be learnt)

How do you get the sun stone on Pokemon FireRed?

Go into Ruin Valley on 6 island and go down. The item that is protected by the boulders is the sun stone.

Where is articoono in Pokemon FireRed?

Articuno is in Seafoam Islands. It's on an "iceberg" blocked by the running currents. You'll need to push boulders into a certain pit. The boulders will automatically form a path leading to Articuno's iceberg.

Pokemon firered how to get articono moving the boulders?

just push the bolders down the apropreat holes level by level and the will stop the water flow simple

How do you moltess on Pokemon FireRed?

im assuming your asking how to get moltres but you simply go to the top of mt. ember and get through the little maze created from boulders.