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You have to meet other people and take their flags in the Underground.

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Q: Remove boulders in secret bases on Pokemon Diamond?
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Is there a way to move rocks in your secret base on Pokemon diamond without getting an flag?


Can you move a big boulder in a secret base in Pokemon diamond?

You can put away the boulders once you've stolen at least 1 flag to get the bronze flags. The more flags you steal, the more boulders you can put away.

Secret Pokemon in diamond and pearl?

There is no secret Pokemon in diamond and pearl but there are ways to get Pokemon you cant catch on diamond and pearl. For example manaphy. You must clear the manaphy mission on Pokemon ranger. Goodluck with the game!

In Pokemon Diamond how do you get te secret move to move boaldest aside?

To obtain the HM strength ( to move aside boulders in Diamond and Pearl ) you get to the end of the Lost Tower which is located below Solaceon Town you will receive from the granny on the left in the top floor,

Is the secret key obtainable in Pokemon diamond?

No it is not

In Pokemon diamond in your secret base how do you put boulders in your PC because the old man that gave you the base told you to put more and more boulders in your PC?

you go to pellet town and talk to professor oak. when he asks you take his new computer software you trade it to misty and shell tell you how to do it.

Is there a cheat on the UK Pokemon diamond for getting the Secret Key?

You can only get the secret key in Pokemon Platinum

Is there a secret store in Pokemon Pearl?

Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum are games in the Pokemon series. There is no secret store in Pokemon Pearl version.

Are there secret lakes in Pokemon diamond?

yea......there is three

Is there any secret Pokemon in diamond except giratinaarceusetc?


How do you use secret power in Pokemon Diamond?

in Pokemon diamond you can only use it in battle since your cave/house/thing is underground

Is there a secret store in diamond?

No there is no secret store I know that for I have beaten the elite four 20 times and have searched every corner of Pokemon diamond's world.