You need your PSP to be upgraded to the latest firmware, in order to access the PSN and download games.
hi.... umm i chipped my psp at xbox mod chips in marsden queensland. its $ can play iso files and prx plugins. its called m33-3. you can download it from the internet but i did it professionally...
the CTF theme you are using is made for GEN or OE you have m33 when you search for CTF themes include "5.00 m33" in your search
No, you must have at least 3.52 M33 Actually you can, assuming you have Official firmware 1.50 on your Psp and have installed Devhook. Even if you have devhook you can only play ISO's that devhook can support (up to 3.03).
reset psp and when u turn on, hold the R trigger. u shud then come to the recovery menu. go to configuration and click on game folder homebrew until it changes to 1.5 kernel. u shud upgrade to 5.00, there is a separate game 150 folder, so u don't have to do any of this
Google the keywords "M33-1 for PSP" and you will get sites from which you can dl the update.
you cant because M33-6 gets corrupted and M33-3 gives an error code
i think the best is 3.52.m33-4
Only if you have m33 (custom firmware) for it.
You have to have 5.50 OFW to run iso's, 3.71 and 5.00 m33 don't run iso's
OE stands for Open Edition, a version of custom firmware that allowed people to run Homebrew applications on the PSP. This has now been superceded by the M33 edition, which is now at 5.00 M33-4 for the latest firmware.
at "download nova"
you need to get lost
I do not dare to give a Try, why don't you give a try?
Not quite sure what you're asking!
Try luaplayer euphoria. Others only work at 3.90 m33
The m33-6 installation package is expecting the 5.00 update file. Using the wrong one will possibly brick the PSP.