You cannot rebattle Gym Leaders.
you cant
we can get 8 gym badges byfighting all the gym leaders in Pokemon pearl.
Defeat all of the gym leaders in Pearl. ~KKMG1
what do you do after beating the fouth gym in pokemon pearl
you can't!
You cannot rebattle Gym Leaders.
you cant
Unfortunatly you cant, this feature in heartgold/ soulsilver was epic!
You defeat the gym leaders in Pearl. ~KKMG1
we can get 8 gym badges byfighting all the gym leaders in Pokemon pearl.
Defeat all of the gym leaders in Pearl. ~KKMG1
He has a Gyarados, Quagsire, and a Floatzel
There isn't a second encounter with gym leaders
Gym Leaders: Roark, Gardenia, Maylene, Wake, Fantina, Byron, Candace, and Volkner.
no they can't no they can't
the gym leaders are the same as they are on pearl and diamond. but the order you fight the gym leaders are different. Turtwig would be the easiest way through the game.