By decoding the braille using a braille chart, which usually comes with the game, otherwise in Pokémon guidebooks. If you do not have access to any of the above visit
Braille key. With each Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen version, you should obtain a Braille Key in the box. This gives you the symbols and the letters they stand for - which are used in the game. If you do not have this, it is easy to find. Wikipedia gives a Braille key under the heading "Writting Braille". Pokemon only uses the alphabetic letters and the symbols for the full stop and the comma.
Read the braille, then don't touch the game for about 2 minutes. This will open the door to Regice.
You need Relicanth to be first in your party, and A wailord as the last, and then when you've read the braille you need to get one of your Pokemon to learn dig.
In second room in Sealed Chamber, make your party pokemon, Wailord first, and last in Relicanth. Then, read the braille.
nothing just read it!!
Using a braille chart. Heres one:
use cut. read up on your braille.
By using a braille chart, like the one here:
The alphabet code use in the Desert ruins in Pokemon Emerald is Braille. Braille is a alphabet system printed in raised bumps for the blind to read. Braille is easy to translate when using a Braille alphabet sheet.
after you read the braille press down down down down and use fly then the door will open
There are lots of braille messages to be found in Pokemon Emerald. To read them, you can simply look up the braille alphabet.
Braille key. With each Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed and LeafGreen version, you should obtain a Braille Key in the box. This gives you the symbols and the letters they stand for - which are used in the game. If you do not have this, it is easy to find. Wikipedia gives a Braille key under the heading "Writting Braille". Pokemon only uses the alphabetic letters and the symbols for the full stop and the comma.
braille is a way for blind people to read. you need to get the decoder to read it.
You can find things written in Braille in the ancient ruins in the Pokemon games. To read it, you can simply look up the Braille alphabet.
See related link
when louis Braille was a kid he accidentally stabed his eye out