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Press the letter,'T', on your keyboard, then, click on where you want to throw. Do this combination rapidly but always press the letter, 'T', before you click, otherwise your penguin will waddle over to where you want to throw.

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Q: How do you rapidly throw balls on club penguin?
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if its on the game you throw snow balls at its eyes then repeat it and shut it down

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there are NO weapons on club penguin but there are snow balls

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Press T on your keyboard and point the aimer at the shop and click it with your mouse.

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Throw a snowball at it

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you need to go and clik the stage 5 times the n throw 4 snow balls

How do you throw a snowball in Club Penguin?

To throw snowballs on Club Penguin you can press the, "t" button, then you will see your mouse change shape. After that click where you want to throw your snowball. Another way to do it is at the bottom of your club penguin screen, you'll see a blue bar. Look for a snowball. Then your mouse will change shape, click on the place where you want to throw a snowball.Answered by the Penguin: Jellyfish33

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