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Snowball: T and aim and click!

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Q: How do you throw items at ppl on club penguin?
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Why does it rain in Club Penguin?

because the ppl on club penguin try to make it exciting

How do you throw a party in your igloo on club penguin?

umm you go 2 ask ppl in the town (you have 2 be a member) and go 2 your igloo and unlock it and tell them it is on the map then go there and they will!!

Club penguin book codes unused?

try goin' on2 youtube or out else nt this website. 4 ppl on club penguin waddle on penguins! and BE SAFE!

On club penguin what server does penguin band go on?

they always go on any random server so ppl will get an unexpected surprise!!!!!!!

What person invented Club Penguin?

bunch o' ppl in British-y Columbia, lol!

How do you get 2 secret agent penguins from same computer in club penguin?

You can't do that. Club Penguin won't allow you to have two ppl on at the same time on the same computer. Somehow it just knows.

Was there ever a rainbow viking helmet in club penguin?

um no ppl just use that in funny pics there is gold red and blue

What does ppl stand for on club penguin?

It stands for People. like if someone says "hi "ppl" they mean "hi People". People use this term because it is easier to type and quicker to type.

What is a fun online chatting game like club penguin but better?

facebook is fun its not like club penguin ( fun for teens )i quited club penguin and went to facebook becausefacebook is fun because there is famous ppl on there like lady gag Aand miley Cyrus and billy ray Cyrus and a lot more so facebook is a lot of funits like club penguin in some ways

What do you do when you want to get famous on Club Penguin?

You have to make people THINK your famous. Make videos on youtube of your penguin, make a website of your penguin, or make stuff that other ppl will be interested in. then when u go on club penguin, they will be like, "oh isn't that the girl from that video on youtube?" or "oh that's the penguin from that website!" you have to get them to RECONIZE you. THATS how you become famous.

How do you get the new club penguin 2010 clothing catalog to come out?

They lied they forgot about the catolog and now we have to wait for tomorow... STUPID CP PPL!

How do you band other people on club penguin?

click on other ppl than click on the shield symbol on the player card than follow instrusctoins