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One way is to buy loads of Proteins from the poke-mart.

BUT soon it will start saying that it wont have any effect.

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Q: How do you raise your pokemon's attack?
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Is the weakness of a Pokemon based on attack or type?

Both. If your attack is good against another pokemons TYPE then it will be super effective. If your pokemons type resists their attack then it will be not very effective. Water attack is super effective against fire.

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Both Surf due huge rage of attack and Buldoze coz it slow pokemons so with this two move you have ultimate pokemons

How do you raise a pokemons speed?

Take it to the cardio room and make it run the treadmill

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with raising the Pokemon with that Pokemon for many time You can raise your Pokemon happiness by defeating many trainers with Pokemon do you want to raise.

What affects a pokemons stats?

Pokemon's stats are pretty simple. Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. And HP ( health points) Attacks form other Pokemon are usually the cause of stat loss. For example, A move like Growl will lower the attack for the remainder of the fight. Scary Face lowers speed. Leer lowers defense etc.... Alternatively, there are also attacks that UR Pokemon can use that raise their stats. For example, Calm mind will RAISE the special attack stat. Dragon Dance will raise both Attack AND speed...etc.... Hope I Helped! ^_^

Help for Pokemon LeafGreen?

start game with charmender .catch a pidgey,pikachu,nidoran♀,geodude. raise this pokemons and after you have raise enough you should try to catch legendary Pokemon

How do you raise your pokemons speed?

use carboses you can get them at veilstone city in the shopping mall but they cost alot, about $9800,so i hope this helped you

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Feed it gummis. especially the kind that match up with its type.

How do you raise your Pokémon's attack ruby?

Just training your pokemon by battling is the main way to raise it's attack, you can also feed it items such as Carbos, Irons and other foods that raise stats.

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Raise your defense man, RAISE YOUR DEFENSE

To beat fire Pokemon do you have to have a strong rock or ground Pokemon?

Usauly you use water Pokemon to attack fire pokemons regards Jack

What race are the Pokemon characters?

Pokemons are pokemons