When you first start, stores are a quick way of earning profits although they might not be huge. If you're already producing foodstuff like bread or anything else, put them in the store and they sell it from there. Once you have a decent amount of cash, move into clothing production. They sell a lot. Make sure at the start you do not open too many factories because you might just end up going bankrupt. Make sure you meet the skill requirements of employees. Dont expect too much profit right from the start. t will take time and slowly your profits will start increasing and you increase quality and price of your goods. Use your research centre a lot because it is very useful and you can introduce technology without buying them with huge loads of money. As your company cash increases start buying new factories or mills. If by chance you buy game points, the first thing you must do is buy oil wells or Sawmills because they sell like hot cake even at very high prices. Anyways it's easier said than done. So good luck. Im not an experienced player myself as i started just a month back. I even had to restart once because i went bankrupt but now im doing reasonably well. All it takes is patience and making good decisions and you'll be set. Hope this helped a little.
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