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if they want something they have to earn it. they need to earn the money then buy the thing they want. they need to learn how to earn money and how to survive in an economic crysis.

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Q: Why kids should buy what they want with their own money?
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Should kids spend money on whatever they want?

i think that kids should beable to spend their money on what ever they like to buy because its their money so why not

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Should kids be able to buy whatever they want with their own money?

Children should be able to buy whatever they want with their own money within reason. If it's their money and they end up running out of it, it's their problem; just as long as their parents/guardians don't give them anymore. They should have to earn it or get it for their birthday/christmas etc...

What is good about kids allowances?

money money money The things that is good about kids allowances is : a)Once the parents give the kids their allowance the kids can buy whatever they want and don't have to ask their parents for money because they got it. b)Another thing is that the kids work for the money so the parents can't get mad about they just giving them money for nothing, their not.

Should kids buy whatever they want with their money?

It depends on what you're giving them the money for. I believe kids should be taught to save at least 10 percent of everything they get before they spend anything. This will come in handy when they get into college and really need money! I also believe they should be taught how to save for something, like putting money aside to build up and buy a game or DVD. And of course, kids shouldn't be allowed to buy inappropriate things like pornography or ultra-violent games if they're too young. But other than that, you should allow them to waste their money if they choose - they will learn more from making mistakes than they will with you controlling their spending habits.

Is it normal to be 15 years old and not want kids later on in life?

Yes, some people want kids and others dont i dont want to have kids, do you have any idea how much money you have to spend to feed them, buy toys, etc?

Should pageants be only about beauty?

I think pagents should not just be about beauty. It can be about spending time with your family. In most pagents the parents get mad and stresses if the kids don't do the right thing. It can be hard for the kids. I think the parents want the money so they can be rough on their kid again in pagents and buy them new clothes even if they don't want to.

Is 200 enough money?

I think that it mostly depends on what you wan't to buy. because if you want to buy a car, 200 is not enough but if you want to buy a phone, 200 should be enough.

What do kids do with money?

Most kids just buy candy or toys with there money. Some kids even save it up for the furture.

What should you buy with your birthday money?

Whatever you want really. I think you should go on a girly shopping trip with your mates..... but they bring their own money! Have fun!

Do they let kids buy at best buy?

Yes, as long as you have money, you can buy anything. But, sometimes they ask you were your parents that happend to some kids.