There are no bittorrent applications that will run on PSP. [January 2010]
A torrent is a file that you download that links you to other peers who are sharing it, to download the file the torrent specifies. To download a torrent, you need a client such as utorrent. A psp torrent I am assuming is a .torrent file used to download psp games.
first download lamecraft from the first link you type... then you have got to get a uncompressor. drag your lamecraft zipped folder into the uncompressor and then put your psp into usb mode. put the uncomppressed file into the name of your psp file, then psp, and the game and you suold be done for that
You can download GTA Chennai City from a torrent website. You will need a torrent platform such as uTorrent with which to download the torrent file into. After the file is downloaded, you will be able to install and play the game on your PC.
Download PSP Games for free here: also, for torrent downloads try:
As far as I know, no. Chances are you still have the original file on your computer- try to put it on the PSP again, and make sure the PSP can support the file type. Remember to eject the USB device with the computer first before you unplug it: if you just unplug, it may damage the files.
A torrent is a file that you download that links you to other peers who are sharing it, to download the file the torrent specifies. To download a torrent, you need a client such as utorrent. A psp torrent I am assuming is a .torrent file used to download psp games.
PSP torrents can be downloaded like any other file. To open these files however, one needs a torrent program like LimeWire in order to access the contents of the files.
first download lamecraft from the first link you type... then you have got to get a uncompressor. drag your lamecraft zipped folder into the uncompressor and then put your psp into usb mode. put the uncomppressed file into the name of your psp file, then psp, and the game and you suold be done for that
umm ok you plug in your psp with a usb cable open up your psp files and then go to games and copy and paste ur games into games file and if that doesnt work then u need to extract your file on desktop and then put it in your gamkes file
You can go onto the internet with the PSP and then click file and save image
A .torrent file is not an audio file. iPods cannot play .torrent files.
Actually, it is possible. First, find the file ( you can search on google or anywhere but it must be a correct file so your PSP can run it ). Second, when you have found and downloaded it, put it in your PSP ( your PSP must be plugged in onto your computer by using a USB ), after you put it on your PSP, go to internet browser and type in this: file:/win7/index.html . Then, you should have your Windows 7 portal. Hope this helped.
A file is much much more general than a torrent file. A torrent file is a type of file. Torrent files are downloaded files that are in the middle of being processed and downloaded. They're kind of like crown downloads.
You need to copy the file and put it in the MUSIC folder
A torrent file is a set of instructions for a "torrent application" to find and download the files described in the torrent; it does not contain the actual file, and will never be useful as a PDF or any other type of text document. As such, the user of a torrent file will need a torrent application, such as BitTorrent, to download the files referenced in the torrent file. Properly installed, a torrent application should automatically start downloading any files referenced by the torrent automatically. Assuming the torrent refers to a PDF file, once the download is complete, there will be a PDF file in the download folder that can be opened by any PDF viewer.
you can see the properties or txt file with that torrent
You 1st download the file "Tetris Attack" from the web(you must use a PC). Next you connect your psp to your PC and then you put the file "Tetris Attack" under the file games in your psp file. If this doesn't work then it means your psp version is either too high or too low.