battle to of the team rocket members one says slow poke tail and raticate tail then you have to battle the executive and his murcrow will follow him you have to follow murcrow and he keeps saying the password and he goes to the door and say the password and i think you battle giovani or some thing
go to the little building near bills house and there will be a team rocket grunt in there and he will give you a uniform
radio tower
There is a TM of Snatch in the Team Rocket Headquarters.
you dont
you can get it of a team rocket guy in heart gold/soul silver
They team rocket member in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver has to be there no matter what.
By going into the Goldenrod Tunnel and going to the Team Rocket Grunt and then he will put you in a Team Rocket Costume.
Nothing is not true in khoto there back
Team rocket is usually realy weak if you have Pokemon in the "teens" level it should be a breese.
Easy! Goldenrod Tunnel, in the north west of Goldenrod City.
You have to get into the tower and beat team rocket.
you get it after defeating team rocket in goldenrod lance gives it to you
I have soul silver but I think you talk to a team rocket guard in the radio tower by the escalator
go to the little building near bills house and there will be a team rocket grunt in there and he will give you a uniform