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Click on your piece of armor, and place it into the corresponding armor slot to the left of your character in the top left of your inventory. Another, easier method, is to hold down Shift, and Left click the armor in your inventory.

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11y ago

Open the inventory and you will see a picture of you and the body slots around you that the armor goes in, drag the armor to the respective areas.

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Q: How do you put on armor in minecraft?
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You can't. Enchantments are only for tools and armor for now.

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Go to your players inventory (on Xbox360 you hit y) and drag the armor into its correct slot next to your player.

Is there armor in Minecraft PE now?

Yes there is armor

How do put on armor in Minecraft?

Open the inventory by pressing e, and then put the armor on those 4 slots on the top left. Helmet on top, chestplate below, leggings under that and boots at the bottom.

How do you get armor in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

there currently isn't armor in minecraft pe but there will be in v0.6.0 which will be released soon

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If you are asking about enchantments, you have to build an enchantment table first. Then, you can enchant weapons and armor

How do you fill the bar for armor in minecraft pe?

Just put more armor on. It fills higher the more protective the armor. Here is the armor bar amounts:Full Leather Armor: 3.5 shirtsFull Gold Armor: 5.5 shirtsFull Iron Armor: 7.5 shirtsFull Diamond Armor: 10 shirts (max)

How do you put armor on in creative mode?

First, you don't need it, as you're invincible. Second, I don't know of any ways other than using commands or toomanyitems to switch to survival to put the armor on, then swithpching back to creative

What is the first part of armor to break first in Minecraft?

Leather armor