Go to your players inventory (on Xbox360 you hit y) and drag the armor into its correct slot next to your player.
You can't.
You can't wear armour in creative mode. All you can do is infinitley place and destroy blocks.Actually you could by hacking minecraft... There might be a mod that can help do it that you could download, or you could just go into survival and put it on and then go back into creative.
You need the single player commands mod. Then you type /gamemode 1. This will change your survival world to creative. To put it back use /gamemode 0.
yes you can use flint and steel or put lava under the ground
press on the horse with a right click then you can put on armor and saddle on a horse
First, you don't need it, as you're invincible. Second, I don't know of any ways other than using commands or toomanyitems to switch to survival to put the armor on, then swithpching back to creative
You can't.
You can't wear armour in creative mode. All you can do is infinitley place and destroy blocks.Actually you could by hacking minecraft... There might be a mod that can help do it that you could download, or you could just go into survival and put it on and then go back into creative.
Get a creeper egg from the Creative Mode inventory and put it in a dispenser. Then apply redstone current to the dispenser. If you are not in Creative Mode then you will have to wait for a creeper to spawn in the dark.
download one (check the link).then, find your original sjin in your .minecraft folder. Replace it. go to minecraft.net, log on, and got to the tab "community". There you can change your skin.
You need the single player commands mod. Then you type /gamemode 1. This will change your survival world to creative. To put it back use /gamemode 0.
It can be used for adventure map building to put it in chests. Other than that, it's pointless.
yes you can use flint and steel or put lava under the ground
press on the horse with a right click then you can put on armor and saddle on a horse
Go in your inventory and next to the craft button there is an armor button go in there
Currently, there is no way to change your game mode in a game (In the Pocket Edition). The default world will put you in survival, but you can make it a creative world by taping the Gamemode button.
If you go into sneak mode (hold left shift) and right click on the horse, you will open its inventory so you can equip it with horse armour and a saddle.