If you go into sneak mode (hold left shift) and right click on the horse, you will open its inventory so you can equip it with horse armour and a saddle.
press on the horse with a right click then you can put on armor and saddle on a horse
step 1: tame the horse. (I would recommend feeding it a hay bale first) step 2: press 'E" while on the horse step 3: put the armor in the armor slot
You can't.
You can't. Enchantments are only for tools and armor for now.
Right-click it.
press on the horse with a right click then you can put on armor and saddle on a horse
step 1: tame the horse. (I would recommend feeding it a hay bale first) step 2: press 'E" while on the horse step 3: put the armor in the armor slot
You cannot make horse armor in Minecraft. Instead, you need to find it in dungeon chests.
In the Mo' Creatures mod to Minecraft, it is possible to craft armor for a horse. You can remove it by using shears.
You can't.
Go in your inventory and next to the craft button there is an armor button go in there
You can't. Enchantments are only for tools and armor for now.
Right-click it.
Barding is armor designed for a horse.
Go to your players inventory (on Xbox360 you hit y) and drag the armor into its correct slot next to your player.
Yes there is armor
Open the inventory by pressing e, and then put the armor on those 4 slots on the top left. Helmet on top, chestplate below, leggings under that and boots at the bottom.